I'm using the OpenCV SVM implementation to binarily predict the importance of an image feature. I'm therefore training it upon positive and negative image features and looking for a classification in {0,1}.
The problem I'm encountering is that following training, the SVM always predicts the class with the higher/greater class label. I can change the labels for the training data set and this problem persists. I've carefully inspected the generated label and training cv::Mat matrices and haven't found any issues there.
Below is my SVM class and accompanying SVM parameters
//Populate the SVM parameters
void SVM::setSVMParams()
params.svm_type = cv::SVM::C_SVC;
params.kernel_type = cv::SVM::RBF;
params.term_crit = cv::TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 100, 1e-6);
params_set = true;
//Train the SVM with the given data
void SVM::train(cv::Mat train_data, cv::Mat labels)
//Set the SVM parameters if they haven't been already
if (!params_set)
svm.train(train_data, labels, cv::Mat(), cv::Mat(), params);
//Based on training, predict the class of the given data
float SVM::predict(cv::Mat sample)
return svm.predict(sample, false);
And here is the function responsible for generating the training data and respective labels
//Creates the appropriate training data and class labels for subsequent SVM training according to supplied D threshold
void Matchings::createSVMTrainingObjects(const float t_D, const float positive_label, const float negative_label, bool print_info)
cv::Mat train_data_l((int)matchings_list.size(), 132, CV_32FC1);
cv::Mat labels_l((int)matchings_list.size(), 1, CV_32FC1);
int num_pos = 0;
int num_neg = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < matchings_list.size(); i++)
matching_d entry = matchings_list[i];
//Important feature, label 1
if (entry.D > t_D)
labels_l.at<float>(i) = positive_label;
//Unimportant feature, label -1
labels_l.at<float>(i) = negative_label;
int j = 0;
//Copy feature into current row of openCV matrix
train_data_l.at<float>(i, j++) = entry.feature.x;
train_data_l.at<float>(i, j++) = entry.feature.y;
train_data_l.at<float>(i, j++) = entry.feature.scale;
train_data_l.at<float>(i, j++) = entry.feature.angle;
for (int k = 0; k < 128; k++)
train_data_l.at<float>(i, j + k) = entry.feature.vec[k];
std::cout << "For training: #+ves=" << num_pos << ", #-ves=" << num_neg << std::endl;
train_data = train_data_l;
labels = labels_l;
And finally, here is the function that actually calls upon SVM prediction results for retaining important image features
matchingslist ASIFT::filterFeaturesWithSVM(matchingslist matchings, SVM& svm)
matchingslist new_matchings;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)matchings.size(); i++)
cv::Mat first = Utility::keypointToMat(matchings[i].first);
cv::Mat second = Utility::keypointToMat(matchings[i].second);
//If both features are of importance, retain them
if (svm.predict(first) == 1.0f && svm.predict(second) == 1.0f)
std::cout << "Feature removed" << std::endl;
return new_matchings;