I'm trying to convert my input stream to a string. The input stream I'm trying to convert is NSURLRequest.HTTPBodyStream, apparently the httpbody is set to null and replaced with the stream after you make the request. how do I go about doing this? This is what I have so far:
#define MAX_UTF8_BYTES 6
NSString *utf8String;
NSMutableData *_data = [[NSMutableData alloc] init]; //for easy 'appending' bytes
int bytes_read = 0;
while (!utf8String) {
if (bytes_read > MAX_UTF8_BYTES) {
NSLog(@"Can't decode input byte array into UTF8.");
else {
uint8_t byte[1];
[r.HTTPBodyStream read:byte maxLength:1];
[_data appendBytes:byte length:1];
utf8String = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:[_data bytes]];
When I print the string it's either always empty or contains a single character, doesn't even print null. Any suggestions?