Is there a function to check if a string is too long or too short, I normally end up writing something like this in several places:
if (strlen($input) < 12)
echo "Input is too short, minimum is 12 characters (20 max).";
elseif(strlen($input) > 20)
echo "Input is too long, maximum is 20 characters.";
I know you can easily write one but is there one built into PHP?
I normally collect errors as I validate input, so the above code would be written:
$errors = array();
if (strlen($input) < 12)
$errors['field_name'] = "Field Name is too short, minimum is 12 characters (20 max).";
elseif(strlen($input) > 20)
$errors['field_name'] = "Field Name is too long, maximum is 20 characters.";
How can that be made into a function ^?
I guess you can make a function like this:
function validStrLen($str, $min, $max){
$len = strlen($str);
if($len < $min){
return "Field Name is too short, minimum is $min characters ($max max)".
elseif($len > $max){
return "Field Name is too long, maximum is $max characters ($min min).";
return TRUE;
Then you can do something like this:
$errors['field_name'] = validStrLen($field, 12, 20);
How about something like:
$GLOBALS['errors'] = array();
function addError($msg) {
$GLOBALS['errors'][] = $msg;
function printErrors() {
foreach ($GLOBALS['errors'] as $err)
echo "$err\n";
Just call addError('error message here') as many times as you need, followed by a printErrors() call at the end.
you can make a error function that utilizes session vars:
//at the top of the file:
error("Field Name is too short, minimum is 12 characters (20 max).");
//.. some code
//at the end of the file:
function error($msg){
if(!isset($_SESSION['errors'])) $_SESSION['errors'] = array();
$_SESSION['errors'][] = $msg;
function displayErrors(){
foreach($_SESSION['errors'] as $err){
echo $err.'<br/>'.PHP_EOL;
Demo here: http://codepad.org/TKigVlCj
/* Helper function */
function validateLength($value, $minLength, $maxLength, $fieldTitle) {
$valueStrLen = strlen($value);
if ($valueStrLen < $minLength) {
return "$fieldTitle is too short, minimum is $minLength characters ($maxLength max).";
} elseif($valueStrLen > $maxLength) {
return "$fieldTitle is too long, maximum is $maxLength characters.";
} else {
return '';
/* Example of usage */
$errors = array();
if ( $err = validateLength($_GET['user_name'], 12, 20, 'User name') ) {
$errros['user_name'] = $err;
if ( $err = validateLength($_GET['user_pass'], 12, 20, 'Password') ) {
$errros['user_pass'] = $err;
function validateLenght($s, $min, $max) {
if (strlen($s) > $max) { return 2; }
elseif (strlen($s) < $min) { return 1; }
else { return 0; }
if (validateLenght('test', 5, 20) > 0) {
echo 'Username must be between 5 and 20 characters.';
PHP validate minimum and maximum integer number you can use this:
$quantity = 2;
if (filter_var($quantity, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array("options" => array("min_range"=>1, "max_range"=>10))) === false) {
echo("Quantity is not within the legal range");
} else {
echo("Quantity is within the legal range");