Installing Yaml in xampp windows

2019-05-28 17:07发布


I am trying to install YAML in XAMPP windows 64 bit

  1. Downloaded the .dll file from

  2. enabled the extension in php ini as follows


  3. Restarted the Apache

  4. Getting the following error php startup unable to load dynamic library


Is this is the right way or I am missing any thing ? Please help me


After searched lot finally found a solution

  1. Go to

  2. See the below link under For windows

  3. Download that zip file

  4. Unzip it and put yaml.dll inside xampp folder

  5. php_yaml.dll inside xampp/php/ext/ folder

  6. add extension=php_yaml.dll in php.ini and Restart the apache. If possible restart the system

  7. Execute the following lines in a php file to check the extension loaded or not

    if (extension_loaded(yaml)) echo "yaml loaded :)"; else
    echo "something is wrong :(";

标签: php xampp yaml