I am trying to install YAML in XAMPP windows 64 bit
Downloaded the .dll file from http://pecl.php.net/package/yaml/1.1.1/windows
enabled the extension in php ini as follows
Restarted the Apache
Getting the following error php startup unable to load dynamic library
Is this is the right way or I am missing any thing ? Please help me
After searched lot finally found a solution
Go to https://github.com/LegendOfMCPE/LoM-CMS/wiki/How-to-Install-LibYAML
See the below link under For windows
Download that zip file
Unzip it and put yaml.dll inside xampp folder
php_yaml.dll inside xampp/php/ext/ folder
add extension=php_yaml.dll in php.ini and Restart the apache. If possible restart the system
Execute the following lines in a php file to check the extension loaded or not
if (extension_loaded(yaml)) echo "yaml loaded :)"; else
echo "something is wrong :(";