According to this documentation:
29.1.1 Embedded Database Support
Spring Boot can auto-configure embedded H2, HSQL and Derby databases.
You don’t need to provide any connection URLs, simply include a build
dependency to the embedded database that you want to use.
29.1.2 Connection to a production database
Production database connections can also be auto-configured using a pooling
DataSource configuration is controlled by external configuration
properties in spring.datasource.*. For example, you might declare the
following section in
[Tip] You
often won’t need to specify the driver-class-name since Spring boot
can deduce it for most databases from the url.
[Note] For a pooling
DataSource to be created we need to be able to verify that a valid
Driver class is available, so we check for that before doing anything.
I.e. if you set
spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver then that
class has to be loadable.
What if I placed the following in my file:
Will Spring Boot auto-configure a pooling Datasource, since I specified the spring.datasource.driver-class-name?
Or will it just create a Datasource for the embedded Database driver without connection pooling?
How do I confirm if Spring Boot is using connection pooling?
My understanding is that as long as there is a supported datasource class on the classpath spring-boot will use it, with tomcat being the preference if none is specified.
The list of supported datasources is given in DataSourceBuilder, and currently is tomcat, hikari, dbcp and dbcp2.
You could verify if one has been created by looking for javax.sql.Datasource
implementations from from the application context, though I don't see why one wouldn't.
Thanks for your answer Dave. I'm just starting to learn Spring framework so I'm tinkering with it. This is what I did in MyApplication.main method to confirm if Spring Boot is using connection pooling:
ApplicationContext context =;
DataSource dataSource = context.getBean(javax.sql.DataSource.class);
System.out.println("DATASOURCE = " + dataSource);
And I got the following output:
DATASOURCE = org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource@a5b0b86{ConnectionPool[defaultAutoCommit=null; defaultReadOnly=null; defaultTransactionIsolation=-1; defaultCatalog=null; driverClassName=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver; maxActive=100; maxIdle=100; minIdle=10; initialSize=10; maxWait=30000; testOnBorrow=false; testOnReturn=false; timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=5000; numTestsPerEvictionRun=0; minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=60000; testWhileIdle=false; testOnConnect=false; password=********; url=jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testdb; username=sa; validationQuery=null; validationQueryTimeout=-1; validatorClassName=null; validationInterval=30000; accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed=true; removeAbandoned=false; removeAbandonedTimeout=60; logAbandoned=false; connectionProperties=null; initSQL=null; jdbcInterceptors=null; jmxEnabled=true; fairQueue=true; useEquals=true; abandonWhenPercentageFull=0; maxAge=0; useLock=false; dataSource=null; dataSourceJNDI=null; suspectTimeout=0; alternateUsernameAllowed=false; commitOnReturn=false; rollbackOnReturn=false; useDisposableConnectionFacade=true; logValidationErrors=false; propagateInterruptState=false; ignoreExceptionOnPreLoad=false; }
I also tried different configurations with the file and my build.grade file to confirm if Spring Boot would still use connection pooling when it auto configures a DataSource and I found out that Spring Boot's auto-configuration always creates a pooling DataSource.