
Getting “Unexpected request” error when running Ka

2019-05-28 10:24发布


I'm trying to write a unit test for a controller which fetches article details using $http service.


 .controller('ArticleDetailCtrl',function($scope, Article, $routeParams, API_URL, ARTICLE_URL, $http, $sce){

    $scope.url = API_URL + ARTICLE_URL + '/' + $routeParams.articleId;

    $http.get($scope.url).then(function(response) {
        $scope.heading = response.data.Headline;
        $scope.rawBody = response.data.Body;
        $scope.body = $sce.trustAsHtml($scope.rawBody);
        $scope.image = response.data.Assets[0].URL;

Unit test:

'use strict';

describe('Controller: Article', function () {

    var scope,

    // load the controller's module

    describe('ArticleDetailCtrl', function () {

        var ArticleDetailCtrl,
            ArticleId = '123';

        // Initialize the controller and a mock scope
        beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, _$httpBackend_, Article, API_URL, ARTICLE_URL) {

            scope = $rootScope.$new();
            ArticleDetailCtrl = $controller('ArticleDetailCtrl', { $scope: scope });
            $httpBackend =  _$httpBackend_;
            articleEndpoint = API_URL + ARTICLE_URL + '/' + ArticleId;

            jsonObject = {
                'Headline': 'Headline',
                'Body': '<p>Body</p>',
                'Assets': [
                        'URL': 'path/to/image/article1.jpg'

            $httpBackend.when('GET', articleEndpoint).respond(jsonObject);

        afterEach(function() {

        it('should fetch article details from the API', function () {




But I keep on getting the following error:

Error: Unexpected request: GET http://localhost:3000/api/articles/undefined
Expected GET http://localhost:3000/api/articles/123
    at $httpBackend (/Users/gill/Documents/projects/angularjs-test/app/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1179)
    at sendReq (/Users/gill/Documents/projects/angularjs-test/app/bower_components/angular/angular.js:8181)
    at /Users/gill/Documents/projects/angularjs-test/app/bower_components/angular/angular.js:7921
    at /Users/gill/Documents/projects/angularjs-test/app/bower_components/angular/angular.js:11319
    at /Users/gill/Documents/projects/angularjs-test/app/bower_components/angular/angular.js:11405
    at /Users/gill/Documents/projects/angularjs-test/app/bower_components/angular/angular.js:12412
    at /Users/gill/Documents/projects/angularjs-test/app/bower_components/angular/angular.js:12224
    at /Users/gill/Documents/projects/angularjs-test/app/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1438
    at /Users/gill/Documents/projects/angularjs-test/test/spec/controllers/article.js:77
Error: Unsatisfied requests: GET http://localhost:3000/api/articles/123
    at /Users/gill/Documents/projects/angularjs-test/app/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1472
    at /Users/gill/Documents/projects/angularjs-test/test/spec/controllers/article.js:65

This is the first time am writing unit tests which I followed along by reading some tutorials. I don't know what am I doing wrong?


Your problem is a simple, but a common one.

When you write your Jasmine / Karma unit tests, creating your controllers are almost automatic using the $controller service. That means, for the most part, you can say from your unit test


And AngularJS will figure out its dependent services, inject them and create an instance of the controller for you to unit test.

There is one exception to this:

AngularJS does not know how to inject context specific services like $scope and $routeParams, which change based on the HTML structure and the URL for each instance of the controller.

I notice in your unit test you create the controller as

ArticleDetailCtrl = $controller('ArticleDetailCtrl', { $scope: scope });

So at this point, you tell AngularJS what object to use when the controller asks for $scope as a dependent service. But in your controller, you also inject $routeParams. And based on its articleId you create the URL for the request.

So if you change your controller instantiation code to:

ArticleDetailCtrl = $controller('ArticleDetailCtrl', { 
    $scope: scope, 
    $routeParams: articleId: ArticleId

That should now create the correct URL (instead of using undefined for articleId, which was the error)

Let me know if that helps.