I am trying to apply graph cut method for my segmentation task. I found some example codes at Graph_Cut_Demo.
Part of the codes are showing below
img = im2double( imread([ImageDir 'cat.jpg']) );
[ny,nx,nc] = size(img);
d = reshape( img, ny*nx, nc );
k = 2; % number of clusters
[l0 c] = kmeans( d, k );
l0 = reshape( l0, ny, nx );
% For each class, the data term Dc measures the distance of
% each pixel value to the class prototype. For simplicity, standard
% Euclidean distance is used. Mahalanobis distance (weighted by class
% covariances) might improve the results in some cases. Note that the
% image intensity values are in the [0,1] interval, which provides
% normalization.
Dc = zeros( ny, nx, k );
for i = 1:k
dif = d - repmat( c(i,:), ny*nx,1 );
Dc(:,:,i) = reshape( sum(dif.^2,2), ny, nx );
It seems that the method used k-means clustering to initialise the graph and get the data term Dc. However, I don't understand how they calculate this data term. Why they use
dif = d - repmat( c(i,:), ny*nx,1 );
In the comments thy said the data term Dc
measures the distance of each pixel value to the class prototype. What is the class prototype, and why it can be determined by k-means label?
In another implementation Graph_Cut_Demo2, it used
% calculate the data cost per cluster center
Dc = zeros([sz(1:2) k],'single');
for ci=1:k
% use covariance matrix per cluster
icv = inv(cov(d(l0==ci,:)));
dif = d- repmat(c(ci,:), [size(d,1) 1]);
% data cost is minus log likelihood of the pixel to belong to each
% cluster according to its RGB value
Dc(:,:,ci) = reshape(sum((dif*icv).*dif./2,2),sz(1:2));
This confused me a lot. Why they calculate the covariance matrix and how they formed the data term using minus log likelihood? Any papers or descriptions available for these implementation?
Thanks a lot.