Platform: Win7 x64, MinGW-rubenvb (4.7.2-x64), Qt 4.8
Say I have few lengthy tasks (read population file, write population file, and run simulation) spawned using QConcurrent::run, as follow:
void MainWindow::runLengthyJob() {
/* some setup */
jobWatcher->setFuture(QConcurrent::run(theApp, &AppClass::lengthyJob));
// lengthyJob - can be readPop(), writePop(), runSim()
Usually those tasks take at least 15 seconds to finish (for simulation, it takes more than hours). To prevent crashing from not-yet-finished-threads, I re-implement the MainWindow::closeEvent as follow:
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) {
/* wait for any dangling thread */
if (QThreadPool::globalInstance()->activeThreadCount())
} // end: MainWindow::closeEvent
This works okay but when I click the 'x' button of MainWindow, it seems freezing and showing 'Not responding' (I guess the text is given by OS), although it finally terminated the app.
I want to quit the app as soon as the close() slot of MainWindow is triggered. So, how can I shorten the waiting time for not-yet-finished-threads? Or how can I notify user that there is still a lengthy job running (which can takes hours before completely shut down)? (I tried to include QDialog/QMessagebox in closeEvent but the newly created widgets also freeze)
Note: For AppClass:lengthyJobs [readPop() /writePop()], those are self-contained functions and I cannot break downs to smaller steps. For AppClass::runSim(), smaller steps may be possible.