Suppose you the following OneToMany relationships: School->Student->ScientificWork
. Now you want to select all Schools that have Student with name 'John' and his scientific job is called 'Black Holes'.
I do it like the following, but for some reason it retrurns me all possible schools.
public static Specification<School> spec() {
return (root, query, cb) -> {
final SetJoin<School, Student> studs = root.joinSet("students", JoinType.LEFT);
final SetJoin<Student, ScientificWork> works = root.joinSet("works", JoinType.LEFT);
return cb.and(
cb.equal(studs.get(, 'John'),
cb.equal(nodes.get(, 'Black Holes')
After finding this answer I tried the following, but with the same result (it returns me all Schools instead of one):
public static Specification<School> spec() {
return (root, query, cb) -> {
final SetJoin<School, Student> studs = root.joinSet("students", JoinType.LEFT);
studs.on(cb.equal(studs.get(, 'John'));
final SetJoin<Student, ScientificWork> works = root.joinSet("works", JoinType.LEFT);
return cb.equal(nodes.get(, 'Black Holes');