How do a run the servers I need as well as the e2e tests in a teamcity build step(s)?
I have protractor e2e test for my angular 2 application. (I have a funny mix of angular-cli and gulp, but bear with me.)
Here's how I run my tests locally. I need three console windows (w1,w2,w3).
w1) First thing I need to do is start my application:
npm start
-> Which I have defined in package.json as ng serve -prod
w2) Then start the fake back-end, an express webserver
npm run gulp e2e-server
-> I've defined "gulp": "gulp"
in my package config, because gulp
won't be recognised on teamcity.
3w) And then finally I can run my e2e tests
npm run e2e -- e2e/protractor-teamcity.conf.js
I've defined "pree2e": "webdriver-manager update"
and "e2e": "protractor"
in my package config
I need to manually stop the two servers I started.
Something like this hack will work:
npm run gulp e2e-clean && start "MyWindow" cmd /c "start npm start && npm run gulp e2e-server" && ping -n 31 >nul && npm run e2e -- e2e/protractor-teamcity.conf.js
But start
creates console windows that will never stop. I'm not sure what the consequences of this are (I doubt this will run successfully twice). The ping is a sleep hack, which isn't ideal either.
Has anyone found a solution for running a command "in the background" during the test run and then killing it afterwards?
So, this is a terrible hack. The sort of hack that suggests something is deeply wrong, but ho-hum:
When ng serve runs it will change the console window title to "angular-cli", when gulp runs it which change it to "gulp" (or "select gulp"). I don't expect anything else will be running with these titles. This is enough to write __kill-running-windows
to go and kill these windows.
"scripts": {
"start": "ng serve -prod",
"test": "gulp test-teamcity",
"pree2e": "webdriver-manager update",
"e2e": "protractor",
"gulp": "gulp",
"e2e-teamcity": "gulp _e2e-clean && npm run _e2e-teamcity & npm run _kill-running-windows",
"_e2e-teamcity": "npm run _e2e-servers && gulp __wait-60 && gulp _e2e-test-teamcity",
"_e2e-servers": "start gulp _e2e-server && start gulp serve",
"_kill-running-windows": "taskkill /fi \"Windowtitle eq gulp\" & taskkill /fi \"Windowtitle eq select gulp\" & taskkill /fi \"Windowtitle eq angular-cli\" & taskkill /fi \"Windowtitle eq select angular-cli\""
The code (the interesting parts anyway, I'll leave what eg gulp serve to the readers imagination):
var expressServer = require("gulp-express");
var process = require("child_process");
var shell = require("gulp-shell");
* Run vanilla e2e tests with teamcity reporter
* (Remember to call `e2e-server`, `serve` and edit `config.json` to point at config.e2e.json` first)
gulp.task("_e2e-test-teamcity", function(done) {
return gulp.src("")
shell(["npm run e2e -- e2e/protractor-teamcity.conf.js"])
gulp.task("__wait-60", function(done) {
// HACK: Do 61 pings -> wait 30 seconds
process.exec("ping -n 61 > nul", function (err, stdout, stderr) {
* Run mock backend for the e2e, with canned answers to all calls
* !! Use config.e2e.json in your application in order to point at this !!
gulp.task("_e2e-server", function () {["./e2e/server.js"]);["./e2e/server.js"], expressServer.notify);
For some reason, moving more code into gulp seemed to make the builds never finish on teamcity. But here's the e2e I use locally, which is more gulp based:
* Run vanilla e2e tests
* Cleans screenshots folder, tarts the application, starts the mock server
* Leaves command windows running the servers open at the end of the test run
* 30 second wait for tests to start
* (Remember to edit `config.json` to point at config.e2e.json` first)
gulp.task("e2e", ["_e2e-clean"], function (done) {
shell(["start gulp _e2e-server"])
shell(["start gulp serve"])
runSequence("__wait-30","_e2e-test", done);