I need to create a structure that holds a variable number of 'char[2]'s, i.e. static arrays of 2 chars.
My question is, how do I allocate memory for x number of char[2].
I tried this (assuming int x is defined):
char** m = NULL;
m = new char[x][2];
delete [] m;
(it didn't work)
I realise I could use std::vector<char[2]> as a container, but I'm curious as to how it would be done with raw pointers.
I am very new to C++ and trying to learn.
In your code, the type of 'm' doesn't match your 'new' call. What you want is:
char (*m)[2] = NULL;
m = new char[x][2];
delete [] m;
m is a pointer to arrays of 2 chars, and you call new to get an array of x arrays of 2 chars and point m at the first one.
I believe that the following code is more readable than char[n][2]
typedef char wchar[2]; // array of two chars
const size_t n = 100; // some const
wchar* x = new wchar[n]; // array of wchars, where wchar is array of two chars
// here is still a problem that you could write the following
x[5][5] = 0; // not what you expected?
delete[] x; // clean up
If we aware of the internal structure of wchar, the code will be more readable if we declare it as follows:
// using struct is just gives names to chars in wchar, without performance drop
struct wchar {
char h;
char l;
const size_t n = 100; // some const
wchar* x = new wchar[n]; // array of wchars
x[0].h = 0;
x[0].l = 0;
delete[] x; // clean up
And finally, because we use C++, no need to use C arrays:
const size_t n = 100; // some const
typedef std::tr1::array<wchar, n> my_arr;
my_arr* x = new my_arr;
(*x)[0].h = 0;
(*x)[0].l = 0;
delete x;
One more pretty safe option with compile time range checking:
template<int n_max>
struct array_n {
char v[2*n_max];
template<size_t n, size_t s>
char& get() {
return v[n*2+s];
int main( int argc, char**argv)
const size_t n = 100; // some const
typedef array_n<100> my_arr;
my_arr* x = new my_arr;
x->get<10, 1>() = 0; // ok
x->get<50, 0>() = 0; // ok
x->get<10, 2>() = 0; // compile time error
x->get<500, 0>() = 0; // compile time error
delete x;
You would end up determining the size of the array, and then use new, and treat it as a two-dimensional array.
But, for a good discussion on this you may want to look at:
unsigned x=10;
typedef char A2[2];
A2 *m=new A2[x];
delete[] m;
C multi-dimensional arrays (where all but the first dimensions are constant) are laid out contiguously.
If you want a (potentially jagged) multi-dimensional array which is a 1d array of 1d arrays, then you have to loop:
char **m=new char *[x];
for (unsigned i=0;i<x;++i) m[i]=new char[2];
for (unsigned i=0;i<x;++i) delete[] m[i];
delete[] m;