I used the qda{MASS} to find the classfier for my data and it always reported "some group is too small for 'qda'
". Is it due to the size of test data I used for model ? I increased the test sample size from 30 to 100, it reported the same error. Helpppppppp.....
AllMono <- AllData[AllData$type == "monocot",]
MonoSample <- sample (1:nrow(AllMono), size = 100, replace = F)
AllEudi <- AllData[AllData$type == "eudicot",]
EudiSample <- sample (1:nrow(AllEudi), size = 100, replace = F)
testData <- rbind (AllMono[MonoSample,],AllEudi[EudiSample,])
plot (testData$mono_score, testData$eudi_score, col = as.numeric(testData$type), xlab = "mono_score", ylab = "eudi_score", pch = 19)
qda (type~mono_score+eudi_score, data = testData)
Here is my data example
>head (testData)
sequence mono_score eudi_score type
PhHe_4822_404_76 DTRPTAPGHSPGAGH 51.4930 39.55000 monocot
SoBi_10_265860_58 QTESTTPGHSPSIGH 33.1408 2.23333 monocot
EuGr_5_187924_158 AFRPTSPGHSPGAGH 27.0000 54.55000 eudicot
LuAn_AOCW01152859.1_2_79 NFRPTEPGHSPGVGH 20.6901 50.21670 eudicot
PoTr_Chr07_112594_90 DFRPTAPGHSPGVGH 43.8732 56.66670 eudicot
OrSa.JA_3_261556_75 GVRPTNPGHSPGIGH 55.0986 45.08330 monocot
PaVi_contig16368_21_57 QTDSTTPGHSPSIGH 25.8169 2.50000 monocot
>testData$type <- as.factor (testData$type)
> dim (testData)
[1] 200 4
> levels (testData$type)
[1] "eudicot" "monocot" "other"
> table (testData$type)
eudicot monocot other
100 100 0
> packageDescription("MASS")
Package: MASS
Priority: recommended
Version: 7.3-29
Date: 2013-08-17
Revision: $Rev: 3344 $
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), grDevices, graphics, stats, utils
My R version is R 3.0.2.