writing APIC to mp3 file with getid3 (id3v2)

2019-05-27 13:13发布


I am trying to write APIC picture to mp3 file with getid3. here is the code;

$cover = "/home/user/public_html/artwork/cover.jpg";
'picturetypeid'=>2, // Cover. More: module.tag.id3v2.php -> function APICPictureTypeLookup
'description'=>'cover', // text field
'mime'=>'image/jpeg', // Mime type image
'data'=>$cover // Image data

but it doesnt work. image size is around 1.5 MB. should i resize it or sth ?

where am i wrong ?



Looking at the demo they have on their website: http://www.getid3.org/source/demo.write.phps

snippet of code:

$fd = fopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], 'rb')
$APICdata = fread($fd, filesize($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']));
fclose ($fd);

$imagetypes = array(1=>'gif', 2=>'jpeg', 3=>'png');
if (isset($imagetypes[$APIC_imageTypeID])) {
    $TagData['attached_picture'][0]['data']          = $APICdata;
    $TagData['attached_picture'][0]['picturetypeid'] = $_POST['APICpictureType'];
    $TagData['attached_picture'][0]['description']   = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
    $TagData['attached_picture'][0]['mime']          = 'image/'.$imagetypes[$APIC_imageTypeID];

Seems like the data key needs to be the image content, not just the path to the image file. So in your case, it should be something like:

$cover = "/home/user/public_html/artwork/cover.jpg";
$fd = fopen($cover, 'rb')
$APICdata = fread($fd, filesize($coverFile));
fclose ($fd);

'picturetypeid'=>2, // Cover. More: module.tag.id3v2.php -> function APICPictureTypeLookup
'description'=>'cover', // text field
'mime'=>'image/jpeg', // Mime type image
'data'=>$APICdata  // Image data

Note: This is just after a quick glance at the demo code, I have not used this library or tested this code.


GetID3 needs the content of the file to be send for the data, not the file path. Then only it will be able to embed them into the file. Try

$cover = "/home/user/public_html/artwork/cover.jpg";
    'picturetypeid'=>2, // Cover. More: module.tag.id3v2.php -> function APICPictureTypeLookup
    'description'=>'cover', // text field
    'mime'=>'image/jpeg', // Mime type image
    'data'=> file_get_contents($cover) // Image data; not the file name

tested and working :)


I found this in the source code:

case 'APIC':
    // 4.14  APIC Attached picture
    // Text encoding      $xx
    // MIME type          <text string> $00
    // Picture type       $xx
    // Description        <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
    // Picture data       <binary data>

So picture data must be binary.

The solution is here: getid3 demo


This one is working for me for long time:

    $TagData = array(); //your other tags
    $fd = fopen($albumPath, 'rb');
    $APICdata = fread($fd, filesize($albumPath));

    if($APICdata) {
        $TagData += array(
            'attached_picture' => array(0 => array(
                'data'          => $APICdata,
                'picturetypeid' => '0x03',
                'description'   => 'cover',
                'mime'          => image_type_to_mime_type($albumExifType)
    //and write the tags to file 


/// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org>               //
//  available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net                 //
//            or http://www.getid3.org                         //
//          also https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3       //
//                                                             //
// /demo/demo.simple.write.php - part of getID3()              //
// Sample script showing basic syntax for writing tags         //
// See readme.txt for more details                             //
//                                                            ///

//die('Due to a security issue, this demo has been disabled. It can be enabled by removing line '.__LINE__.' in '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

$TextEncoding = 'UTF-8';
$albumPath = "img/img.jpg"; // path to your image

// Initialize getID3 engine
$getID3 = new getID3;

// Initialize getID3 tag-writing module
$tagwriter = new getid3_writetags;
//$tagwriter->filename = '/path/to/file.mp3';
$tagwriter->filename = 'uploads/problem.mp3';

//$tagwriter->tagformats = array('id3v1', 'id3v2.3');
$tagwriter->tagformats = array('id3v2.3');

// set various options (optional)
$tagwriter->overwrite_tags    = true;  // if true will erase existing tag data and write only passed data; if false will merge passed data with existing tag data (experimental)
$tagwriter->remove_other_tags = false; // if true removes other tag formats (e.g. ID3v1, ID3v2, APE, Lyrics3, etc) that may be present in the file and only write the specified tag format(s). If false leaves any unspecified tag formats as-is.
$tagwriter->tag_encoding      = $TextEncoding;
$tagwriter->remove_other_tags = true;

// populate data array
$TagData = array(
    'title'         => array('My Song'),
    'artist'        => array('My Song'),
    'album'         => array('My Song'),
    'year'          => array('20015'),
    'genre'         => array('My Song'),
    'comment'       => array('My Song'),
    'track'         => array('01'),

$fd = fopen($albumPath, 'rb');
$APICdata = fread($fd, filesize($albumPath));

if($APICdata) {
    $TagData += array(
        'attached_picture' => array(0 => array(
            'data'          => $APICdata,
            'picturetypeid' => '0x03',
            'description'   => 'cover',
            'mime'          => image_type_to_mime_type(@$albumExifType)

$tagwriter->tag_data = $TagData;

// write tags
if ($tagwriter->WriteTags()) {
    echo 'Successfully wrote tags<br>';
    if (!empty($tagwriter->warnings)) {
        echo 'There were some warnings:<br>'.implode('<br><br>', $tagwriter->warnings);
} else {
    echo 'Failed to write tags!<br>'.implode('<br><br>', $tagwriter->errors);

For anyone who just needd to update their ID3 tags including the Album Art , above code works just fine You need to have getID3 library to work . This Answer is based on JacopKane's Answer so credit goes to him