how to output the data set when using histogram in

2019-05-27 10:27发布


In Mma, the Histogram function only generates graphics. I am wondering how I can to get the data set; is there any convenient built-in function for this?

Many thanks.


HistogramList was added to Mathematica V8 to expose the binning and height calculations.


For V7 you can hack the third argument to get the bins and counts.

Histogram[a, Automatic, (Print[{##}]; #2) &]


Perhaps a bit of internet searching would help as well. This was my answer (of June 18, 2010) to a similar question in the Mathematica newsgroup comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica:

data = RandomReal[NormalDistribution[0, 1], 200];
res = Reap[Histogram[data, Automatic, (Sow[{#1, #2}]; #2) &]]

I feel this solution is slightly better than Brett's because it returns the data in a readily usable format.

To recreate the histogram following any bin or count manipulation you'd proceed as suggested by Brett below. Just have the bin and count ready as follows:

bins = Union[ Flatten[res[[2, 1, 1, 1]]]];
counts = res[[2, 1, 1, 2]];
Histogram[data, {bins}, counts &]

I'm not sure whether the bins are guaranteed to be in ascending order, so instead of Union (which sorts), you might want to use DeleteDuplicates.

The count & is a trick here. As explained in the help page, a function in the third position is expected to take a bin and count list and returns a height list. In this case it just gobbles up the lists and returns counts.


If you're using V7 and you're upset that by using this trick you can't use a built-in bin height specification ("Count", "Probability", "ProbabilityDensity", etc), you can modify Sjord's answer above to return bins normalized however you want. For example, if you want bin heights using

data = RandomReal[NormalDistribution[0, 1], 200];
Histogram[data, Automatic, "Probability"]

you could instead use

res = Reap[Histogram[data, Automatic, 
           (ret = #2/Length[data]; 
            Sow[{#1, ret}]; ret) &

The analog for "ProbabilityDensity" is

res = Reap[Histogram[data, Automatic, 
           (binWidth = #1[[1]][[2]] - #1[[1]][[1]];
           ret = #2/(Length[data]*binWidth);
           Sow[{#1, ret}]; ret) &