I want to ignore a few files that need to be different, or do not need to be tracked- I edit my gitignore to skip swp files, the entire tmp dir and a few of the log files inside log/.
I them removed the cached versions from my local install- all seemed well here
then I ran git add . (was this supposed to be a git add -u?)
And then pushed to my remote repository.
The app worked fine still, but I noticed that I couldn't find or access the files on my remote repository I had ignored locally- my log file was gone, as was my database.yml file (again, on remote).
I could still start up the application, so it seems like the file is still there (unless I'm wrong about needing database.yml), but I can't see those files.
If I wanted to always ignore those files (as does the other dev who will pull them), how can I do that without having those files dissapear on the remote?
Edit- it seems like what I might be looking for is actually
git update-index --assume-unchanged example.txt
which seems like it will allow for the file to continue existing in both environments, without monitoring it for any changes.
Am I on the right track?