I've added a custom middleware to my Startup class (following the example here).
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
app.Use((context, next) =>
try { return next(); }
catch (Exception exception) { return new Task(() => { }); }
app.UseCors("Welcome All");
app.UseSwaggerUI(_ => _.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v0.1/swagger.json", "Version 0.1"));
It was my understanding that throwing an exception in my method in a controller should be caught in try-catch of the custom middleware. But .NET Core seems to diagree with my expectations. By the breakpoints I can see that return next() is invoked but after the controller's method throws an exception, the exception isn't caught and the yellow marker jumps past the middleware alltoghether and lands at the end curly brace of it.
What am I missing?
If it's of any significance or interest, my aim is to move out the exception handling from my methods to the cross-cut middy in orde to simplify the code (and I want not to apply filters, since I'm targetting pure WebApi without MVC). So the controller and the method look something like this.
public class TestController : Controller
public TestController(...) { ... }
public IActionResult CrashBoom([FromBody] Thing input)
if (input.isCrashworthy)
throw new Exception("Boom")
return Ok();