I have a little problem with grunt concat and requirejs (and typescript). The problem is simple, when I generated one file per class and I load each file seperately, I don't have problem. (But it's slower for the browser) Example:
- A.js
- Message.js
- ValidatorMessage.js (extends Message and has a dependency)
paths: {
'A': '../generated/shared/A.min',
'Message': '../generated/shared/Message.min',
'ValidatorMessage': '../generated/shared/ValidatorMessage.min', }//more
That's works. I can require() each file in the browser and I get it. But if do:
paths: {
'shared': '../generated/shared.min',
That doesn't works.
There is the content of shared.min.js
/*! MotorEngine-web - v0.0.1 - 2013-11-30 04:11:18 - development */
///<reference path='./def/lib.d.ts'/>
///<reference path='./def/node.d.ts'/>
define([ "require", "exports" ], function(require, exports) {
* @name ValidatorMessage
* @description Message object for Validation errors.
* @author Vadorequest
var A = function() {
function A() {}
* Get the message.
* @returns {string}
return A.prototype.getErrors = function() {
return this._errors;
}, A;
exports.A = A;
}), ///<reference path='./def/lib.d.ts'/>
///<reference path='./def/node.d.ts'/>
define([ "require", "exports" ], function(require, exports) {
* @name Message
* @description Message object for both server and client side communication.
* @author Vadorequest
var Message = function() {
* Constructor.
* @param message Message to display.
* @param data Data useful for callback, can be anything.
* @param status Status of the message.
function Message(message, data, status) {
"undefined" == typeof data && (data = !1), "undefined" == typeof status && (status = !1),
* Constants.
this.FIELD_NAME_MESSAGE = "m", this.FIELD_NAME_DATA = "d", this.FIELD_NAME_STATUS = "s",
this.EXCEPTION_BAD_JSON_CONTENT = 'Unable to parse JSON. Bad object/string attributes. (Missing message ("' + this.FIELD_NAME_MESSAGE + '" field) or status ("' + this.FIELD_NAME_MESSAGE + '" field)?',
this.EXCEPTION_BAD_JSON_TYPE = "Incorrect data type. Object or string expected.",
this._message = message, this._data = data, this._status = status;
* Get the message.
* @returns {string}
return Message.prototype.getMessage = function() {
return this._message;
}, /**
* Get message data.
* @returns {*}
Message.prototype.getData = function() {
return this._data;
}, /**
* Get message status.
* @returns {boolean}
Message.prototype.getStatus = function() {
return this._status;
}, /**
* Returns the current object as JSON string.
* @returns {string}
Message.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return JSON.stringify(this._toSimpleObject());
}, /**
* Returns the current object without methods.
* @returns {Object}
Message.prototype.toObject = function() {
return this._toSimpleObject();
}, /**
* Returns a custom object without method using the predefined FIELD_NAME to take less space once converted in JSON string.
* @returns {{}}
* @private
Message.prototype._toSimpleObject = function() {
var json = {};
return json[this.FIELD_NAME_MESSAGE] = this._message, this._data !== !1 && (json[this.FIELD_NAME_DATA] = this._data),
json[this.FIELD_NAME_STATUS] = this._status, json;
}, /**
* Convert JSON to a Message object instance.
* @param json Json to convert to object.
* @returns {Message.Message}
Message.prototype.fromJSON = function(json) {
if ("object" == typeof json) return this._fromJSONObject(json);
if ("string" == typeof json) return this._fromJSONString(json);
throw "Message.fromJSON " + this.EXCEPTION_BAD_JSON_TYPE;
}, /**
* Convert JSON object to a Message object instance.
* @param json Json to convert to object.
* @returns {Message.Message}
* @private
Message.prototype._fromJSONObject = function(json) {
if (json[this.FIELD_NAME_MESSAGE] && json[this.FIELD_NAME_STATUS]) return json[this.FIELD_NAME_DATA] ? new Message(json[this.FIELD_NAME_MESSAGE], json[this.FIELD_NAME_DATA], json[this.FIELD_NAME_STATUS]) : new Message(json[this.FIELD_NAME_MESSAGE], !1, json[this.FIELD_NAME_STATUS]);
throw "Message._fromJSONObject " + this.EXCEPTION_BAD_JSON_CONTENT;
}, /**
* Convert JSON string to a Message object instance.
* @param json Json to convert to object.
* @returns {Message.Message}
* @private
Message.prototype._fromJSONString = function(json) {
try {
return this._fromJSONObject(JSON.parse(json));
} catch (e) {
throw "Message._fromJSONString: JSON.parse error:" + e.message;
}, Message;
exports.Message = Message;
///<reference path='./def/lib.d.ts'/>
///<reference path='./def/node.d.ts'/>
var __extends = this.__extends || function(d, b) {
function __() {
this.constructor = d;
for (var p in b) b.hasOwnProperty(p) && (d[p] = b[p]);
__.prototype = b.prototype, d.prototype = new __();
define([ "require", "exports", "Message" ], function(require, exports, __message__) {
var message = __message__, ValidatorMessage = function(_super) {
function ValidatorMessage(message) {
_super.call(this, message);
return __extends(ValidatorMessage, _super), /**
* Get the message.
* @returns {string}
ValidatorMessage.prototype.getErrors = function() {
return this._errors;
}, ValidatorMessage;
exports.ValidatorMessage = ValidatorMessage;
I don't understand if it's because there is several call to define in the same file or something else. Do you?
Edit: I forgot to say that in this example the class A will be available browser side (and work) but not the following. If I remove A to the shared.min.js then the class Message will work but not the next, so I thing that only the first class loaded is well loaded!
Edit2: I also forgot to say that in the case where A doesn't exists, the var Message in the browser exists and works (as I said at Edit1) but the var ValidatorMessage exists too! Except it's undefined, I mean I get the autocompletion from the browser but there is nothing inside. Looks like only the first define() put the object as global.