I have a node.js functon that I want to deploy as a AWS Lambda function. I have noticed that when I use redis Elasticache, I must close the connection I opened with redis.createClient or else the Lambda function times out. I do this by simply calling the client's quit() method. If I do this prior to issuing the Lambda callback, the Lambda function ends as expected. If I do not, the Lambda function times out at whatever timeout interval I set. In a test setting, I have a Lambda function that operated on the cache and terminates in 30 milliseconds. Without the call to the redis client quit() method, the same Lambda function won't terminate before a 1 minute timeout. I'm not sure, but I assume the Lambda function behaves this way because it doesn't know whether the function is done executing (even after the callback) since the redis connection is still active.
I'm not all that concerned about this because it's easy enough to call the quit() method. The problem I am having is when I try to do something similar with a DynamoDB DAX client. I can have the Lambda function access DynamoDB directly through my VPC endpoint and everything works fine. If I use the DAX client, the modifications to the table actually take place (I inserted an item and can see that it is there), but the Lambda function always times out.
Here is some sample code:
const AmazonDaxClient = require('amazon-dax-client');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const config = require('./config');
var ddbClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(config.dynamodb);
var dax = new AmazonDaxClient(config.dax);
var daxClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({service: dax });
If I just use the ddbClient, everything works. If I use the daxClient, everything also works (inserts, deletes, updates, etc.), but the Lambda function times out. Is there a similar quit() method for the daxClient that tells the DAX cluster I'm done and it can close all the connections cleanly? I suspect the problem with this is that they want the daxClient to behave exactly like a normal ddbClient, and there is not a quit() method for the ddbClient.