I have a class like:
and I have a DTO for it like:
I will send my student class to another class just with name, surname and number fields(I mean not with all fields) and I decided to name it as DTO (I am not using serializing or etc. just I send this class's object as parameter to any other class's methods).
However lets assume that I have a line of code like that:
and it returns:
but I want to assign it to a variable that:
How can I convert them easily?
PS: I can't change my getAllStudents(); method's inside. I have list of students and want a fast and well-designed way to convert a list of objects into another list of objects.
public StudentDTO convert() {
StudentDTO newDTO = new StudentDTO(name, surname, number);
return newDTO;
And you can implement this as a public method.
This, obviously, would be abstracted out into a larger convert method that could do batch processing. Another alternative would be to implement Cloneable and create a specific implementation just for Student -> StudentDTO.
Iterative example:
List<StudentDTO> myList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Student s : collection) {
return myList;
Use Apache commons-beanutils:
PropertyUtils.copyProperties(studentDtoBean, studentBean);
You could try to change the StudentDTO
to extend Student
public StudentDTO extends Student {
Remember that you could have the address
attribute but no need to use it. If you can do it, then just change the result of your method to:
public List<? extends Student> getAllStudents() {
List<StudentDTO> lsStudentDTO = new ArrayList<StudentDTO>();
//fill the list...
return lsStudentDTO;
You're not changing the code inside, you're changing the method definition :). Also, you can always extend the methods, maybe to something like
public List<? extends Student> getAllStudentsDTO() {
//maybe you should add another logic here...
return getAllStudents();
If you can't even change this behavior, just go with @DavidB answer.
You can extends Student from StudentDTO:
public class StudentDTO {
public class Student extends StudentDTO {
Than you can do:
List<StudentDTO> dtoList = new ArrayList<StudentDTO>(getAllStudents());