Follow-up question to my original issue.
Because I know that any date time used is against a known timezone, rather than where the user may be submitting their request from, I take a LocalDateTime, convert to UTC and persist. Then, when the appointment is retrieved I convert the saved time to the meeting location timezone (stored in db). However, it would seem that the values I save are actually being saved in my local timezone.
I receive a date time value in the Rest Controller such as:
startLocalDateTime: 2016-04-11T10:00
endLocalDateTime: 2016-04-11T10:30
Appointment has two ZoneDateTime fields:
@Column(name = "startDateTime", columnDefinition= "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE")
private ZonedDateTime startDateTime;
@Column(name = "endDateTime", columnDefinition= "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE")
private ZonedDateTime endDateTime;
Then I change the values to UTC and store on my entity to store to Postgres:
appointment.setStartDateTime(startLocalDateTime.atZone(ZoneId.of( "UTC" )))
appointment.setEndDateTime(endLocalDateTime.atZone(ZoneId.of( "UTC" )))
and I store that in Postgres (columnDefinition= "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE")
When I look at the record in pgadminIII I see:
startDateTime "2016-04-11 04:00:00-06"
endDateTime "2016-04-11 04:30:00-06"
So these appear to be stored properly in UTC format (please correct me if I am doing anything wrong so far). I then retrieve them from the database and they are returned as:
startdatetime: 2016-04-11T04:00-06:00[America/Denver]
enddatetime: 2016-04-11T04:30-06:00[America/Denver]
Those values are sent back as JSON:
So even though I am saving them as UTC, when I retrieve them they are in MST (my local) timezone, rather than UTC, and I am unable to convert them back to the actual time.
Still struggling with the persistence. I have tried using the java.sql.timestamp, java.sql.Date, java.util.Date, and java.time.ZonedDateTime on my entity. My Postgres is still a "timestamp with time zone". But because I am using Spring-Data-JPA and need to query with the same type. If I use Date - should that be sql.Date or util.Date?