I'm currently trying to setup a web-socket server on an SAP application server as a proof of concept. The application which is connecting to the web-socket server is not going to be a UI5 or WebDynpro application but just a middle-ware program running on a headless computer.
Following a quick guide, I've setup the push channel and I have an object with the interface methods ON_START
and etc. I'm currently testing the interface using wscat
which you can get from npm
When I tried connecting to my service for the first time using wscat
I was receiving a HTTP 500 error.
I wasn't sure why I was getting the 500 error, so I tried to access the URL via http and a web browser to see what was happening.
500 SAP Internal Server Error
ERROR: Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF) check has failed ! (termination: ABORT_MESSAGE_STATE)
I had seen these tokens also in use by Gateway services, so I had created a quick gateway service and sent a GET
request with X-CSRF-Token: Fetch
except the token that I get from this doesn't work when I attempt to use uri parameter sap-XSRF
Going forward, I started to debug CL_APC_MANAGER
to see if my request comes in at all. I also wanted to trace where the origin of the 500 error comes from. I've managed to trace it back to CL_APC_MANAGER
METHOD check_xsrf.
DATA: lv_xsrf_token TYPE string.
* validate XSRF token
lv_xsrf_token = i_server->request->get_form_field( name = if_http_form_fields_sap=>sap_xsrf ).
IF lv_xsrf_token IS INITIAL.
lv_xsrf_token = i_server->request->get_header_field( name = if_http_form_fields_sap=>sap_xsrf ).
IF lv_xsrf_token IS INITIAL.
r_successful = abap_false.
CALL METHOD i_server->validate_xsrf_token
token = lv_xsrf_token
successful = r_successful
token_not_found = 1
cookie_not_found = 2
internal_error = 3
called_by_public_service = 4
IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR abap_false = r_successful.
r_successful = abap_false.
r_successful = abap_true.
If I skip this check manually with the debugger, than I'm able to connect to my web-socket server without a problem.
However I'm not sure at all how I'm actually supposed to get this token before attempting to connect. I noticed the XSRF Tokens
are saved in database table SECURITY_CONTEXT
. The only problem is an entry is created in this table with the key I need to have after I attempt to connect. I need it before and I'm not sure what the procedure is for retrieving a token properly.
Is there anybody with previous experience using these that can shed some light? Thanks in advance.
EDIT I'm using Version 740 with Service Pack 4.