Ok, so the situation is this: I am building a macOS GUI App using Python and wx (wxphoenix). The user can use the GUI (say: script1
) to launch a file-deletion process (contained in script2
). In order to run successfully script2
needs to run with sudo rights.
will itterate over a long list of files and delete them. But I need it to communicate with the GUI contained in script1
after each round so that script1
can update the progressbar.
In it's absolute most basic form my current working setup looks like this:
import io
from threading import Thread
import subprocess
import wx
# a whole lot of wx GUI stuff
def get_password():
"""Retrieve user password via a GUI"""
# A wx solution using wx.PasswordEntryDialog()
# Store password in a variable
return variable
class run_script_with_sudo(Thread):
"""Launch a script with administrator privileges"""
def __init__(self, path_to_script, wx_pubsub_sendmessage):
"""Set variables to self"""
self.path = path_to_script
self.sender = wx_pubsub_sendmessage
self.password = get_password()
def run(self):
"""Run thread"""
prepare_script = subprocess.Popen(["echo", password], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
launch_script = subprocess.Popen(['sudo', '-S', '/usr/local/bin/python3.6', '-u', self.path], stdin=prepare_script.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in io.TextIOWrapper(launch_script.stdout, encoding="utf-8"):
print("Received line: ", line.rstrip())
# Tell progressbar to add another step:
wx.CallAfter(self.sender, "update", msg="")
import time
# This is a test setup, just a very simple loop that produces an output.
for i in range(25):
The above setup works in that script1
receives the output of script2
in real-time and acts on it. (So in the given example: after each second script1
adds another step to the progress bar until it reaches 25 steps).
What I want to achieve = not storing the password in a variable and using macOS it's native GUI to retrieve the password.
However when I change:
prepare_script = subprocess.Popen(["echo", password], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
launch_script = subprocess.Popen(['sudo', '-S', '/usr/local/bin/python3.6', '-u', self.path], stdin=prepare_script.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in io.TextIOWrapper(launch_script.stdout, encoding="utf-8"):
print("Received line: ", line.rstrip())
# Tell progressbar to add another step:
wx.CallAfter(self.sender, "update", msg="")
command = r"""/usr/bin/osascript -e 'do shell script "/usr/local/bin/python3.6 -u """ + self.path + """ with prompt "Sart Deletion Process " with administrator privileges'"""
command_list = shlex.split(command)
launch_script = subprocess.Popen(command_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in io.TextIOWrapper(launch_script.stdout, encoding="utf-8"):
print("Received line: ", line.rstrip())
# Tell progressbar to add another step:
wx.CallAfter(self.sender, "update", msg="")
It stops working because osascript apparently runs in a non-interactive shell. This means script2
doesn't sent any output until it is fully finished, causing the progress bar in script1
to stall.
My question thus becomes: How can I make sure to use macOS native GUI to ask for the sudo password, thus preventing having to store it in a variable, while still maintaining the possibility to catch the stdout from the privileged script in an interactive / real-time stream.
Hope that makes sense.
Would appreciate any insights!