Cake php css load issue on apache2

2019-05-26 18:33发布


My css file is not loading.

I have just installed apache2 with php on ubuntu. (Mysql server already installed.)

I have placed fresh download of cake php from official site. But when I am trying to access it, CSS file is not loaded.

Here is the screen shot.


Try deleting these files:


and uncommenting this line on app/config/core.php [69]

Configure::write('App.baseUrl', env('SCRIPT_NAME'));


to answer your comment: as far as I know, what this does is set the base url of the app to index.php (env() Gets an environment variable from available sources) That baseUrl is used to rewrite the urls without using mod_rewitte, with pathinfo.


I would think telling him to read the instructions and setup requirements including the use of mod_rewrite would be a better solution than pointing him towards the no mod_rewrite method.

A quick google for mod_rewrite apache ubuntu brings up a ton of possibly useful information and will likely work out for him better than turning off one of Cake's key features.


I've seen this issue when the .htaccess is missing from the root or from webroot. Usually, this occurs when adding files to svn and the .htaccess is not included.


Just wanted to add

to enable mod_rewrite with apache on ubuntu

sudo a2enmod rewrite