I noticed my users sometimes click the buttons twice, maybe no one told them one click is enough.
What's the best way to prevent the double-click? I basically hide the button and show a "loading" gif, but that apparently is not enough...
I noticed my users sometimes click the buttons twice, maybe no one told them one click is enough.
What's the best way to prevent the double-click? I basically hide the button and show a "loading" gif, but that apparently is not enough...
If they are clicking fast enough to fire the double click event, return false.
ondblclick="return false"
EDIT: This will not cancel the single click event so problem would still exist.
Usually disabling/hiding/replacing the button should work. If they are real fast, try setting a variable to false when your script starts, return if it's true, set it to true after the first click.
var alReadyClicked = false;
function click(){
if (alreadyClicked)
return false;
alreadyClicked = true;
Don't forget to set it to false when the user can click again.
I just found out the jQuery funcion .one(), that may be useful great for this kind of purpose! great!
Another example using a flag
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>test dbl click</title>
<button id="btn1">Click Away</button>
<div id="out"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function addMessage( msg ){
document.getElementById("out").innerHTML += (new Date().toTimeString()) + " : " + msg + "<br/><br/>";
function singleClick(){
addMessage( "single");
function addDoubleClickProtection( element, fncToCall ){
var isClicked = false;
var timer = null;
element.onclick = function(){
isClicked = true;
timer = window.setTimeout( function(){ isClicked = false; }, 200);
return fncToCall();
addDoubleClickProtection( document.getElementById("btn1"), singleClick );