The Spring Batch Integration documentation explains how to use remote chunking and partitioning for steps, see
Our jobs do not consist of straightforward reader/processor/writer steps. So we want to simply have whole jobs running in parallel, with each job being farmed out to different partitions.
Is there already a pattern for this in Spring Batch? Or would I need to implement my own JobLauncher to maintain a pool of slaves to launch jobs on?
Spring Batch specifically takes the position of not handling job orchestration (which your question fundamentally is about). There are a couple of approaches for something like this:
- Distributed Scheduler - Most distributed schedulers have the ability to execute tasks on multiple nodes. Quartz has a distributed mode for example.
- Using remote partitioning for orchestration - Remote partitioning executes full Spring Batch steps as slaves. There's no reason those steps couldn't be job steps that execute a job.
- Message driven job launching - Spring Batch Integration (a child module of Spring Batch) provides the facilities to launch jobs via messages. Another approach would be to have a collection of slaves listening to a queue waiting for a message to launch a job. You'd have to handle things like load balancing between the slaves some way but this is another common approach of handling job orchestration.