This is similar to Filter out broken pipe errors , but with complications - when a user presses the "stop" button on their browser while a template is executing (html/template.Execute or text/template.Execute), a broken pipe error occurs.
However, I believe that the error returned by the text/template package is simply of type *errors.errorString as the broken pipe message appears to be wrapped in some other informational text and so no type assertion can be made to net.OpErr for comparison purposes.
For example, a typical broken pipe error string would look like
write tcp broken pipe
A broken pipe error string returned by an executing template looks like:
template: header.html:1:0: executing "header.html" at <div id="header...>: write tcp broken pipe
I have a production web application written in Go and am sick of visually filtering out broken pipe errors in the rest of my error logs but right now I have no clue how to filter out broken pipe other than using something dirty like strings.Contains.