I am learning F#.
I am trying to convert a Map<string, seq<DateTime * float>>
to a Deedle dataframe (http://bluemountaincapital.github.io/Deedle/tutorial.html#creating).
I have prapared the following code:
let folderFnct (aFrame:Frame) colName datesAndValues =
let newSerie = Series(Seq.map (fun x -> fst x) datesAndValues, Seq.map (fun y -> snd y) datesAndValues)
let newFrame = aFrame.Join([colName], [newSerie], kind=JoinKind.Inner)
let mapToDeedleFrame myMap frame =
Map.fold ( fun s ticker datesAndValues -> folderFnct s ticker datesAndValues) frame myMap
folds the map using an existing frame. The folder function folderFnct
- takes the frame
- uses the Map key as column name in the frame, and
- processes the values (
<DateTime * float>
) making a Series of them.
The problem is with:
let newFrame = aFrame.Join([colName], [newSerie], kind=JoinKind.Inner)
The field, constructor or member 'Join' is not defined
I have identified three potential causes of the issue:
- Why is
not defined? I tried explicitly specifying the type ofaFrame
- How can I feed to
an empty frame? - Should I pattern match in
against the case whereaFrame
is empty?
Thanks a lot!
Based on Tomas suggestion, this is what I have cranked out so far.
let folderFnct (aFrame:Frame<'a, 'b>) columnName (seqOfTuples: seq<'a*'b>) =
let newSerie = Series(Seq.map (fun x -> fst x) seqOfTuples, Seq.map (fun y -> snd y) seqOfTuples)
let otherFrame = Frame([columnName], [newSerie])
let newFrame = aFrame.Join((otherFrame), kind=JoinKind.Inner)
let mapToDeedleFrame myMap frame =
Map.fold ( fun state k vals -> folderFnct state k vals) frame myMap
The last step missing is: how do I quickly pass an empty Frame (maybe avoiding creating a dummy one) to mapToDeedleFrame
? I have tried []
as in
let frame = mapToDeedleFrame mapTS []
This may be a silly question, but I am new to F# and I was wondering if there is an Empty
type built in the language.
In the source file I read (https://github.com/BlueMountainCapital/Deedle/blob/master/src/Deedle/Frame.fs):
member frame.Join<'V>(colKey, series:Series<'TRowKey, 'V>, kind, lookup) =
let otherFrame = Frame([colKey], [series])
frame.Join(otherFrame, kind, lookup)
while in the function description popping out on the screen:
From the picture above I would guess that the type of the Frame is the same as colKey, while, as I understood, colKey is just the key to the dataframe column added with the join from the serie. As a complete noob, I am quite confused..
I have rewritten the code:
let seriesListMapper (colName:string, series:Series<'a, 'b>) =
[colName => series] |> frame
let frameListReducer (accFrame: Frame<'a, 'b>) (aFrame: Frame<'a, 'b>) =
accFrame.Join(aFrame, kind=JoinKind.Outer)
let seriesListToFrame (seriesList: List<string * Series<'a, 'b>>) =
seriesList |> List.map (fun elem -> seriesListMapper elem) |> List.reduce(fun acc elem -> frameListReducer acc elem)
The problem is that:
let frame = seriesListToFrame seriesList
returns frame as Frame, while seriesList is instead (string *Series<DateTime, float>) list
I think that the problem is with:
let seriesListMapper (colName:string, series:Series<'a, 'b>) =
[colName => series] |> frame
In fact seriesListMapper
is indicated as
seriesListMapper: colName:string * series:Series<'a, 'b> -> Frame<'a, string>
I do not understand how and why the values are converted to string
from float
One interesting thing is that plotting the frame with frame.Format()
actually confirms that the data looks correct. It is just this "strange" conversion to string