I'm writing junit tests using Mockito for a code that has been implemented by someone else. Simplifying:
- There is an Outer class and an Inner class
- The Outer class keeps an instance of the Inner class.
- The Inner class uses a method of the Outer class.
The simplified code could looks like this:
public class Outer {
private Inner inner;
public Outer(){
inner=new Inner();
public Inner getInner(){
return inner;
public String getOuterName(){
return "outer";
public String getOuterNiceName(){
return "name="+getOuterName();
public class Inner {
public String getInnerName(){
return getOuterName()+"-inner";
I want to stub the method getOuterName() of the Outer class to return a value convenient for my test. To do that I'm "spying" on the object:
Outer outer=new Outer();
Outer spyOuter=spy(outer);
Now, if I call:
The stubbed method is invoked in both calls, and I get the string: "outerspied" and "name=outerspied"
However if I call:
In this case the stubbed method is not called, but the original one. I expected "outerspied-inner", but got "outer-inner"
Summarising, in the spied outer object the reference "this" points to the spied instance. But for the inner object, the reference to "Outer.this" points to a "non spied" instance.
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, it is a bug, or it is working as designed; question is: is there a workaround?
Many thanks in advance