How to Start an Intent from a contained class of a

2019-05-26 07:04发布


I'm looking for the best way to start an intent from a class that is not an Activity, but is a contained object of an Activity class.

For example the Activity Class:

Class MainActivity extends ListActivty
TestLauncher tester;

and the class that I want to start the intent from:

Class TestLauncher
   public TestLauncher ()
      //Code to create an intent needs a Context
      //Intent i = new Intent(Context, class)

      //Code to start activity needs to be called with an Activity

What is the best way to do this architecturally? Should I pass MainActivity as a parameter to TestLauncher's constructor? Or is there a better way that I am not aware of?


Class TestLauncher
   public TestLauncher (Context c)
      Intent i = new Intent(c, YourActivity.class)

TestLauncher ts=new TestLauncher(getApplicationContext());