I am attempting to publish a 3.5 MVC website on my build server through cruise control.
Having looked around on the net it appears you need to wrap the ASP Net Compiler. I was hoping that this task can be called through MSBuild.
Any ideas on how this is done?
This is fairly simple to accomplish with an MSBUILD file.
Here's a sample target the will rebuild your entire solution and will deploy your MVC web application to your desired output directory
<Target Name="Deploy">
<MSBuild Projects="Solution.sln" Targets="Rebuild" />
<MSBuild Projects="MVCWebProject\MVCWeb.csproj"
Properties="OutDir=$(OutputFolder)\bin\;WebProjectOutputDir=$(OutputFolder)" />
In your cc.net configuration, simply pass /p option to the MSBUILD task to specify the output directory for your web application as follows:
This article specifies how to specify a precompiled website.
Remember to also set the tag to 'true' in your MVC csproj file.