I must be a noob, always have trouble installing on Linux. I'm trying to install from: http://openil.sourceforge.net/download.php. So I followed the manual (http://openil.sourceforge.net/docs/index.php) using DevIL 1.7.8 tar.gz from the DL page.
I see no precompiled .so's as the manual states.
It try to compile myself and I see no OpenIL additions to usr/lib or usr/include (as the manual states) after doing a config,build,install.
I supposedly installed it through package manager...but I still don't know where the files I need to include/link to are.
UPDATE: A closer look at the install output for 2. above shows that stuff was actually installed under user/local (thanks alot manual).
So just to be certain, how do I go about linking the .so and the .h to my program.