suppose that here is the set of constraints on nonlinear real arithmetic like
pred1 = (> (- (* (- v2_x v0_x) (- v1_y v0_y)) (* (- v2_y v0_y) (- v1_x v0_x))) 0)
pred2 = (> (- (* (- v1_x v0_x) (- v2_y v0_y)) (* (- v1_y v0_y) (- v2_x v0_x))) 0)
In fact, if we do
b = Z3_solver_check(ctx, solver);
would be unsat. I want to obtain the unsat core (for this example is trivial). So, for each of these predicates I defined a predicate variable. Lets say they are p1
and p2
Z3_ast p1 = mk_bool_var(ctx, "P1");
assumptions[i] = Z3_mk_not(ctx, p1);
Z3_ast g[2] = { pred1, p1 };
Z3_solver_assert(ctx,solver,Z3_mk_or(ctx, 2, g));
Z3_ast p2 = mk_bool_var(ctx, "P2");
assumptions[i] = Z3_mk_not(ctx, p2);
Z3_ast g[2] = { pred2, p2 };
Z3_solver_assert(ctx,solver,Z3_mk_or(ctx, 2, g));
and then I call Z3_solver_check_assumptions(ctx, solver, 2 , assumptions);
but this returns Z3_L_UNDEF
and the reason is (incomplete (theory arithmetic))
I am wondering where I am making a mistake and how this issue can be solved.
Here is how things are initialized:
ctx = Z3_mk_context(cfg);
Z3_symbol logic_symbol = Z3_mk_string_symbol(ctx, "QF_UFNRA");
solver = Z3_mk_solver_for_logic((Z3_context)ctx, logic_symbol);
Z3_solver_inc_ref(ctx, solver);
Z3_params params = Z3_mk_params(ctx);
Z3_symbol param_symbol = Z3_mk_string_symbol(ctx, "unsat_core");
Z3_params_set_bool(ctx , params, param_symbol, Z3_L_TRUE);
Z3_solver_set_params(ctx, solver, params);