I'm trying to validate my form. In my form is a phone number field. The user inserts a phone number and validation takes place as well as formatting. I've read a lot of the other similar questions in StackOverflow and through searches elsewhere, but I'm stuck. The form keeps saying that a valid number I insert is invalid.
I'm only concerned with NANP numbers and I understand the NANP numbers are formatted like this: NXX-NXX-XXXX, where N can only be digits [2-9]
, and X can be [0-9]
. I don't need a country code.
Here's my code:
function validatePhone(){
var error = 1;
var hasError = false;
var $this = $(this);
var regex1 = /^(\()?[2-9]{1}\d{2}(\))?(-|\s)?[2-9]{1}\d{2}(-|\s)\d{4}$/;
phone = $(this).val();
phone = phone.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');
hasError = true;
area = phone.substring(0,3);
prefix = phone.substring(3,6);
line = phone.substring(6);
$this.val('(' + area + ') ' + prefix + '-' + line);
The idea is that no matter whether I insert 8012559553, (801)2559553, (801)255-9553, 801-255-9553 or something similar that it would be validated and formatted like this: (801) 255-9553. But again, the form for some reason continues to say that any number I insert is invalid, regardless of whether it's valid or not. This is code that I was using that was working, but didn't comply with NANP formats:
function validatePhone(){
var error = 1;
var hasError = false;
var $this = $(this);
phone = $(this).val();
phone = phone.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');
if(phone.length != 10){
hasError = true;
area = phone.substring(0,3);
prefix = phone.substring(3,6);
line = phone.substring(6);
$this.val('(' + area + ') ' + prefix + '-' + line);
So, I'm having trouble implementing the regex test of the numbers to make sure that the numbers are real and then have the number formatted correctly... Any ideas?