task startSession << {
def chant() {
ant.echo(message: 'Repeat after me...')
3.times {
task "yayGradle$it" << {
println 'Gradle rocks'
yayGradle0.dependsOn startSession
yayGradle2.dependsOn yayGradle1, yayGradle0
task groupTherapy(dependsOn: yayGradle2)
In my script I have startSession task, groupTherapy task and three dynamically generated tasks yayGradle0-3. When I am executing:
gradle tasks
Part of the output is:
Other tasks
Where are the other tasks? If I execute the command above with parameter --all
they are visible but not as indipendant tasks but like dependent on groupTherapy. Why Gradle doesn't show task startSession as separate task for example?