
ValueError: character U+6573552f… Py2aap

2019-05-26 01:33发布


I made a very simple program and I'm trying to export it to an app file. I'm currently using Python 3.6 and py2app to convert the py file into app. So I created the setup file:

from setuptools import setup
OPTIONS = {'iconfile':'sc.icns',}

    app = ['hello.py'],
    options = {
        'py2app': OPTIONS},
    setup_requires = ['py2app']

and then in the terminal I enter:

python3 hello_setup.py py2app

After some seconds it creates the dist folder and in it there is the hello.app, the problem is when I run it, it appears a window that says "hello error" then I open the .exec file inside the application to see the terminal and it shows this error:

ValueError: character U+6573552f is not in range [U+0000; U+10ffff]

Why does it appear? How do I fix it? Thank you very much.

In case that it is needed, here is the code of 'hello.py'

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox

root = Tk()

def printworld():
    messagebox.showinfo('Hello', 'Hello World')

button1 = Button(root, text='Press me!', command=printworld)



This is an issue with the latest version of py2app==0.14.

You should open a issue with them to get it fixed in current version. In the meantime you can go back one version and it will work fine

pip install py2app==0.13