I have a form that I want to automatically fill some of the fields with information received on a previous page, but it needs to be changeable if they want to adjust it. I am using a dynamically created list for my SelectField that works, but adding the StringField has been unsuccessful. See my code below:
class get_vals(var):
typs = var.p_typs
p_name = var.p_name
return typs,p_name
class NewForm(FlaskForm):
name = StringField('Name', validators=[DataRequired()])
typ1 = SelectField('Type', validators=[Optional()])
def __init__(self,var):
typs,p_name = get_vals(var)
self.typ1.choices = typs
self.name.default = p_name
leaves my name form blank. If I use:
it puts the correct information in the form, however you cannot change the values and must use whatever it places in, which is not an option.
<form action="" method="post">
{{ form.hidden_tag() }}
{{ form.name.label }}
{{ form.name(size=24) }}
{{ form.typ1.label }}
{{ form.typ1() }}
Is there a way to set the default value which a variable and have it changeable? Thanks
UPDATE If I set the field I am trying to update to None after running the Form that gets the name variable, I am able to change the variable without error. However, it won't overwrite the form.name.data value
form = NewForm(var)
var.name == None
if form.validate_on_submit():
var.name = form.name.data
This runs (displays correct variable in form and is adjustable) but doesn't overwrite the value when you submit the form, how can I overwrite the value?