Given I have a map like:
def myMap = [ b : [ c:"X" ] ]
And a string
def key = 'b.c'
I'd like to see my options for using the key to get to the value 'X'.
I have come up with two ways of achieving this myself, but I am not very happy with these solutions:
1)"theMap", myMap, "theMap.$key")
2) mayMap."$key.split('\\.')[0]"."$key.split('\\.')[1]"
Anyone has a better way of doing this in Groovy?
A convenient way is to use ConfigObject which implements Map.
def myMap = [b:[c:'X', d: 'Y'], a:[n:[m:[x:'Y']]]] as ConfigObject
def props = myMap.toProperties()
assert props['b.c'] == 'X'
assert props.'b.c' == 'X'
assert props.'a.n.m.x' == 'Y'
- No more splitting.
- No more evaluating.
IMHO its not the ConfigObject
, that does the trick, its the Properties
(from ConfigObject.toProperties()
). Look & try:
def props = new ConfigSlurper().parse("""
b {
c = 'X'
d = 'Y'
a {
n {
m {
assert props['b.c'] == 'X'
assert props.'b.c' == 'X'
assert props.'a.n.m.x' == 'Y'
Assertion failed:
assert props['b.c'] == 'X'
| | |
| [:] false
[b:[c:X, d:Y], a:[n:[m:[:]]], b.c:[:]]
and I really wish, the ConfigObject
could be indexed with such combined keys like above