Let say I have multiple ResultSet(each resultSet would refer to 1 row in database) (they are of same table.) . Now I want to create consolidated ResultSet which would intern have all other resultSet. So my primary goal is to create a combined ResultSet which would point to all rows which where previously pointed by individual resultSet.
I am using Java. Do any one know how pragmatically we can achieve this?
Edit : we are using java.sql.ResultSet
Edit : To make it more clear :
Let say I have
List<ResultSet> someResults ; // each resultSet Would point to a single row in database.
I want to create a consolidated ResultSet finalResults;
psudo code :
List<ResultSet> resultSets = // poppulated from code
ResultSet rs = convert(resultSets) // psude conver method
If you are talking about a java.sql.ResultSet, it's not possible as far as I know. I suggest you change your query instead.
Or you can retrieve the results into an java object and then combine all the objects into a Collection.
If the results are gonna be from the same table, why not use UNION/UNION ALL
(depending on your needs) in your query itself.
Something like this:
select A, B
from C where Q = R
select A, B
from C where P = S
Or else, there is the hard way of iterating through each result set and populating POJOs and adding them to a List/Set
(Based on your needs). This seems to be an overkill if there are a lot of result sets.
I would do it this way
class GatheringResultSet implements ResultSet {
List<E> resultSets;
ResultSet current;
GatheringResultSet(List resultSets) {
this.resultSets = new ArrayList(resultSets);
current = resultSets.remove(0);
public boolean next() throws SQLException {
if (current.next()) {
return true;
if (resultSets.isEmpty()) {
return false;
current = resultSets.remove(0);
return true;
the rest of the methods just delegate call to current ResultSet
public class ResultSets {
private java.util.List<java.sql.ResultSet> resultSets;
private java.sql.ResultSet current;
public ResultSets(java.util.List<java.sql.ResultSet> resultSets) {
this.resultSets = new java.util.ArrayList<>(resultSets);
current = resultSets.remove(0);
public boolean next() {
if (current.next()) {
return true;
}else if (!resultSets.isEmpty()) {
current = resultSets.remove(0);
return next();
return false;
public int getInt(int pos){
return current.getInt(pos);
public String getString(String field){
return current.getString(field);
Usage :-
public static void main(String ... args) {
Connection conn = pe.getConnection("backup");
String sql1 = "SELECT count(distinct(User_Key)) FROM user_table";
String sql2 = "SELECT count(distinct(Username)) FROM user_table";
Statement stmt1 = conn.createStatement();
Statement stmt2 = conn.createStatement();
List<ResultSet> resultSets = new ArrayList<>();
ResultSets rs = new ResultSets(resultSets);