I'm trying to download an image from url and I need to display the size of the file and the progress of the file downloading.
This is what I have.
int bytes_downloaded = cursor.getInt(cursor
int bytes_total = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_TOTAL_SIZE_BYTES));
final int dl_progress = (int) ((bytes_downloaded * 100l) / bytes_total);
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mProgressDialog.setProgress((int) dl_progress);
As of now its showing %(ie..10/100)
If I set it to mProgressDialog.setProgressNumberFormat("%1d kb / %2d kB")
its showing as 1kb of 100kb
but unable to get the actual size of the file which I'm trying to download
I need it display as 1.2MB/3.6MB
Issue is the progress is displaying as seen below 60/100 but I don't want that