As far as I understand, WPF's Brwoser control is a wrapper of the ie Active-X control. The later has a BeforeNavigate2 Method, while I don't find this in the WPF WebBrowser control. Is there a way I can work around this?
Thx! Marc
As far as I understand, WPF's Brwoser control is a wrapper of the ie Active-X control. The later has a BeforeNavigate2 Method, while I don't find this in the WPF WebBrowser control. Is there a way I can work around this?
Thx! Marc
Yes. The WebBrowser control of WPF is really braindead. On top of that it is even sealed.
You have to use the WebBrowser control of Windows.Forms and embed it in a WindowsFormsHost.
Additionally you have to derive a class from WebBrowser and do some COM magic in it.
Make a UserControl like this:
<UserControl x:Class="MP.Assistant.WpfClient.DialogContentControls.WebBrowserHost"
<Grid Name="BrowserHost">
<DialogContentControls:ExtendedWinFormsWebBrowser x:Name="WebBrowser" />
Then modify Windows.Forms WebBrowser like this:
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace MP.Assistant.WpfClient.DialogContentControls
/// Imports the BeforeNavigate2 method from the OLE DWebBrowserEvents2
/// interface.
public interface DWebBrowserEvents2
[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
void BeforeNavigate2([In] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)] object pDisp,
[In] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] ref object URL,
[In] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] ref object Flags,
[In] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] ref object TargetFrameName,
[In] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] ref object PostData,
[In] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] ref object Headers,
[In] [Out] ref bool Cancel);
public class ExtendedWinFormsWebBrowser : WebBrowser
// Handles the NavigateError event from the underlying ActiveX
// control by raising the NavigateError event defined in this class.
AxHost.ConnectionPointCookie cookie;
ExtendedWinFormsWebBrowserEventHelper helper;
bool renavigating;
public ExtendedWinFormsWebBrowser()
AdditionalHeaders = new string[] {};
public string[] AdditionalHeaders { get; set; }
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name = "FullTrust")]
protected override void CreateSink()
// Create an instance of the client that will handle the event
// and associate it with the underlying ActiveX control.
helper = new ExtendedWinFormsWebBrowserEventHelper(this);
cookie = new AxHost.ConnectionPointCookie(ActiveXInstance, helper, typeof (DWebBrowserEvents2));
[PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name = "FullTrust")]
protected override void DetachSink()
// Disconnect the client that handles the event
// from the underlying ActiveX control.
if (cookie != null)
cookie = null;
void OnBeforeNavigate2(object pDisp,
ref object url,
ref object flags,
ref object targetFrameName,
ref object postData,
ref object headers,
ref bool cancel)
if (!renavigating)
if (AdditionalHeaders.Length > 0)
headers += string.Join("\r\n", AdditionalHeaders) + "\r\n";
renavigating = true;
cancel = true;
Navigate((string)url, (string)targetFrameName, (byte[])postData, (string)headers);
renavigating = false;
#region Nested type: ExtendedWinFormsWebBrowserEventHelper
class ExtendedWinFormsWebBrowserEventHelper : StandardOleMarshalObject, DWebBrowserEvents2
readonly ExtendedWinFormsWebBrowser parent;
public ExtendedWinFormsWebBrowserEventHelper(ExtendedWinFormsWebBrowser parent)
this.parent = parent;
#region DWebBrowserEvents2 Members
public void BeforeNavigate2(object pDisp,
ref object URL,
ref object Flags,
ref object TargetFrameName,
ref object PostData,
ref object Headers,
ref bool Cancel)
ref URL,
ref Flags,
ref TargetFrameName,
ref PostData,
ref Headers,
ref Cancel);
Then use WebBrowser (its named like that in XAML) from your code-behind and provide AdditionalHeaders with the required value.