Efficient way to look up sequential values

2019-05-25 08:24发布


Each 'Product' can have as many as 10000 'Segment' rows. The segments have a sort column that starts at 1 for each product (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) and a value column that can contain any values such as (323.113, 5423.231, 873.42, 422.64, 763.1, ...).

I would like to identify potential matches for products given a subset of segments. For example, if I have 5 segment values in the correct order, how can I efficiently find all the products which have all 5 segments in the same order somewhere in the Segment table?


I posted a follow-up question to this here: Find a series of data using non-exact measurements (fuzzy logic)


Assume tables like so:

   ProductId  int           not null
    constraint PK_Products
     primary key
  ,Name       varchar(100)  not null

   ProductId   int    not null
    constraint FK_Segments__Products
     foreign key references Products (ProductId)
  ,OrderBy     int    not null
  ,Value       float  not null
  ,constraint PK_Segments
    primary key (ProductId, OrderBy)

Next, set up your search data in a temp table:

   Position  int    not null
  ,Value     float  not null

For N search objects, this has to be populated like so

First item   0    <value 1>
Second item  1    <value 2>
Third item   2    <value 3>
Nth item     N-1  <value N>

Now set up some important values. (This could be crammed into the final query, but this way makes it easier to read, and may improve performance slightly.)

  @ItemCount   int
 ,@FirstValue  float

--  How many items to be matched ("N", above)
SELECT @ItemCount = count(*)
 from #MatchThis

--  The value of the first item in the search set
SELECT @FirstValue = Value
 from #MatchThis
 where Position = 0

And then it's just a query:

  ,fv.OrderBy  --  Required by the Group By, but otherwise can be ignored
 from #MatchThis mt
  cross join (--  All Segments that match the first value in the set
              select ProductId, OrderBy
               from Segment
               where Value = @FirstValue) fv
  inner join Product pr  --  Just to get the Product name
   on pr.ProductId = fv.ProductId
  inner join Segment se
   on se.ProductId = fv.ProductId
    and se.OrderBy = fv.OrderBy + mt.Position  --  Lines them up based on the first value
    and se.Value = mt.Value                    --  No join if the values don't match
 group by
 having count(*) = @ItemCount  --  Only include if as many segments pulled for this product/segment.OrderBy as are required

I am convinced this will work, but I don't have time to test it out in detail just now. To optimize for performance, besides the primary keys indicated you could add a regular index on Segment.Value


Probably the best performing way of doing this would be to store a denormalized version of the data.

ProductId, DelimitedList
1          ,323.113,5423.231,873.42,422.64,763.1,

Then your search is a simple

WHERE DelimitedList LIKE '%,323.113,5423.231,873.42,%'

You could do a standard relational division query first to bring back those ProductId values that match all values (not necessarily in the correct order or contiguous) to reduce the number of strings that are searched.

Full Demo Script

/*Set up test tables*/
ProductId int primary key)

CREATE TABLE ProductSegments(
ProductId int REFERENCES Products,
Sort int,
Value decimal(10,3)
Primary key (ProductId,Sort))

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ix ON ProductSegments(ProductId,Value)

CREATE TABLE ProductSegmentsDenormalized
ProductId int REFERENCES Products,
DelimitedList varchar(max)

/*Insert some initial data to Products...*/
INSERT INTO Products VALUES (1),(2),(3)

/*... and for ProductSegments*/
;WITH numbers(N)
         FROM   master..spt_values v1,
                master..spt_values v2)
INSERT INTO ProductSegments
SELECT ProductId AS Product,
       n1.N      Sort,
       ( ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))% 1000000000 ) / 1000.00
FROM   numbers n1,

/*Set up table for search data*/

Sequence int primary key,
Value decimal(10,3)
INSERT INTO @SearchValues
VALUES (1,323.113),(2,5423.231),(3,873.420),(4,422.640),(5,763.100)

/*Fiddle the test data so we have some guaranteed matches*/
SET ps.Value = sv.Value
FROM ProductSegments ps
JOIN @SearchValues sv ON ProductId = 1 AND Sort = 100 + Sequence

SET ps.Value = sv.Value
FROM ProductSegments ps
JOIN @SearchValues sv ON ProductId = 3 AND Sort = 987 + Sequence

/*Create the denormalised data*/
INSERT INTO ProductSegmentsDenormalized
SELECT ProductId, '|' + DelimitedList
FROM Products p
CROSS APPLY ( SELECT CAST(Value as varchar) + '|'
                 FROM ProductSegments ps
                 WHERE ps.ProductId = p.ProductId
                 ORDER BY Sort
                 FOR XML PATH('') )  D ( DelimitedList )

/*Do the search*/
SELECT ProductId
FROM   ProductSegmentsDenormalized psd
WHERE  psd.ProductId IN (SELECT p.ProductId
                         FROM   Products p
                         WHERE  NOT EXISTS (SELECT *
                                            FROM   @SearchValues sv
                                            WHERE  NOT EXISTS
                                                   (SELECT *
                                                    FROM ProductSegments ps
                                                    WHERE ps.ProductId = p.ProductId
                                                    AND sv.Value = ps.Value)))
AND DelimitedList LIKE '%|' + (SELECT CAST(Value AS VARCHAR) + '|'
                                FROM   @SearchValues sv
                                ORDER  BY Sequence
                                FOR XML PATH('')) + '%' 


Possibly what I am trying to suggest takes too much space: once you add a new product, since the segments are static, you may index them by taking all the "suffixes" of the segment list.

For example, the segments list:

34 57 67 34

will produce:

34 57 67 34
57 67 34
67 34

You may need to store them in hard drive files, because for 10000 segments for each product, you will get a lot of "suffixes" (up to 10000 per product actually). The good news is that you can store them contiguously so you don't have too many hard disk seeks. Then, you can simply linearly scan the suffix list and match the first k values for a query that contains k segment values. So, if in the above list you are searching for 57 67, it will return that product, because it matches the second suffix.

You can also do a tree indexing for faster matching, but this can get too complicated.

Edit: As I was saying in the comment, this is an adaptation of substring matching. You must also sort the suffixes number by number, and then you can do binary search over the list of suffixes, which in theory should indicate a match/mismatch in log(10000) steps.