so i have a worker class that has 2 slots: StartWork() and StopWork(), the StartWork() one runs an infinite loop (it just reads and reads camera input non-stop) and the StopWork() method just sets a bool variable to false (so the loop inside StartWork() stops).
according to the QThread documentation, the best way to use them now is not by sub-classing but by moving workers into the thread, so that's what i do. problem is, the started() signal from the thread gets called but the finished() signal never gets called.
worker class slots:
void StartWork(){ running = true; while(running){ do work; }}
void StopWork(){ running = false; }
QThread initialization and signal/slot connection:
thread = new QThread();
worker = new Worker();
QObject::connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(StartWork()));
QObject::connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(StopWork()));
and on my QPushButton i do this:
if(pushStartStop->text().toLower() == "start")
the thread->start() works fine, and the StartWork() gets called and everything is beautiful (GUI runs with no blocks, etc).
but thread->quit() doesn't do anything, it gets called (because the button changes text) but thats it. if i just call worker->StopWork() it works, but then i can't start it again.
I've tried with thread->exit(); but the results are the same. Also i know sub-classing works, but it looks uglier and according to the recent Qt documentation, sub-classing is no longer optimal.
thanks in advance.