Hi all, I set up a Docker machine in Azure using the following guides:
I managed to get this all working and when doing a build on Windows I can now use the Linux Docker Host to create the docker image from the created sources. (By simply using the "Docker: Build an image" step followed by the "Docker: push an image" step with the DockerHostConnnection set to my Linux build machine:
This process however leaves the created images on disk.
What I wanted to do next is create a nightly build that cleans up the images. I basically created a new build and added the following steps:
- Show docker images before: (docker images -a)
- Docker Info: (docker info)
- Remove docker images: (docker rmi $(docker images -aq))
- Show docker images after: (docker images -a)
Whenever I run this build though I seem to receive the following error:
The strange thing is though, is that the command "docker images -aq" worked fine in the step before:
I started doing some investigation by manually kicking off the commands from my own computer to the remote docker host but am running into the same problems with the following .cmd file:
docker.exe -H tcp://**********:2376 --tls --tlscacert='ca.pem' --tlscert='cert.pem' --tlskey='key.pem' login -u ********** -p ********** **********
docker.exe -H tcp://**********:2376 --tls --tlscacert='ca.pem' --tlscert='cert.pem' --tlskey='key.pem' images -aq
docker.exe -H tcp://**********:2376 --tls --tlscacert='ca.pem' --tlscert='cert.pem' --tlskey='key.pem' rmi $(docker images -a)
docker.exe -H tcp://**********:2376 --tls --tlscacert='ca.pem' --tlscert='cert.pem' --tlskey='key.pem' logout **********
Results of this .cmd file:
When running it locally from .cmd I see the same error:
Running it from PowerShell it works fine though:
Edit... (After more investigation)
Using this knowledge I modified the .cmd file to a .ps1 file which seemed to work a bit better. One problem was though that the $(docker ....) obtained it's information from the local docker installation. I changed the script to the following and now it works from my local machine to the Azure Linux docker host:
docker.exe -H tcp://**********:2376 --tls --tlscacert='ca.pem' --tlscert='cert.pem' --tlskey='key.pem' login -u ********** -p ********** **********
docker.exe -H tcp://**********:2376 --tls --tlscacert='ca.pem' --tlscert='cert.pem' --tlskey='key.pem' images -a
docker.exe -H tcp://**********:2376 --tls --tlscacert='ca.pem' --tlscert='cert.pem' --tlskey='key.pem' rmi -f $(docker -H tcp://**********:2376 --tls --tlscacert='ca.pem' --tlscert='cert.pem' --tlskey='key.pem' images -aq)
docker.exe -H tcp://**********:2376 --tls --tlscacert='ca.pem' --tlscert='cert.pem' --tlskey='key.pem' logout **********
So basically this now works, however, how can I get this to work with the Azure Docker build steps?
Because basically there seem to be 2 problems with the Azure Docker Integration steps:
- I think the commands run in CMD instead of PowerShell which results in the -a error
- When doing something like: 'docker -H .... rmi $(docker images -aq)', the second docker command (docker images...) will talk to the local docker instance. So I would actually like a solution for this without having to manually provide the IP address and all the certificates. (This problem I can probably solve in a hacky way though if I can't find a good solution)