I have 2 tables, Provinces and Districts. I would like to populate a select field with options as District names based on which Province is chosen in another select. The Districts table has a ProvinceID field to reference which Province it belongs to. I know this is doable, I just can't figure it out. I also want to create and update the new Districts select without refreshing the page.
UPDATE: I'm writing it in PHP and MySQL, using jQuery as sparingly as possible.
In order to do it without AJAX, prepopulate a Javascript dataset... warning, if you have a lot of data this could be slow, but if it's a manageable list length, you could save some overhead from multiple AJAX requests loading the same data over and over.
var provinces = {};
provinces['province_a_id'] = [
{ name:'District A', id:'district_a_id' },
{ name:'District B', id:'district_b_id' }
provinces['province_b_id'] = [
{ name:'District C', id:'district_c_id' },
{ name:'District D', id:'district_d_id' }
function getDistricts( referenced_select ) {
var selected_province = $(referenced_select).val();
var district_select = $('#districts');
if ( provinces[selected_province] ) {
$.each( provinces[selected_province], function(i,v) {
district_select.append( $('<option value="' + v['id'] + '">').text( v['name'] ) );
} );
$(document).ready( function() {
$('#provinces').bind( 'change', function() {
} );
} );
<select id="provinces" name="provinces">
<option value="province_a_id">Province A</option>
<option value="province_b_id">Province B</option>
<select id="districts" name="districts">
Make a php script and call it dp.php ( dp, short for data_provider, use any name you like). In dp.php
// get province id passed in via `post` or `get`
$pid = $_REQUEST['pid'];
// get the districts in that province
$query = "SELECT `district_id`, `district` FROM `districts` WHERE province_id` ='$pid'";
// link to your database
$link = mysqli_connect(HOST, USER, PASS, DBNAME);
// execute your query
$result = mysqli_query($link, $query);
// parse the options
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$options .= '<option value="' . row['district_id'] . '">' . $row['district'] . "</option>\n";
// send options
echo $options
With the following markup in your page:
<select id="province" name="province">
<option value="ny">New York</option>
<select id="district" name="district">
Include the following jQuery:
// whenever a different province is selected
$('#province').change(function() {
// remove all options in district select
// find the new province selected
var my_province = $('#province').val();
// get new options from server and put them in your district select
$('#district').get('path/to/dp.php?pid=' + my_province);
You didn't state what server side technology you are using (if any). Here's an example in ASP.net - it should point you in the right direction:
I actually figured this out on my own using jQuery and post. On the primary select, I added onchange="getDistricts()" and used this for that function:
function getDistricts()
var province_id = $("#provinces").val();
"mode" : "get_districts",
"pid" : province_id
}, "text");
And then in handler.php, I have a case that catches the mode, and runs the following code:
<query on districts table>
while($row = $sql->fetchrow($result);
$id = $row['id'];
$name = $row['name'];
$html .= "<option value='$id' id='$id'>$name</option>";
echo $html;
I'm not a fan of this solution, and would really like something better, but it does what I need it to do for the moment. I hope this can help someone else out.