I am trying to upgrade our PHP implementation of Facebook SDK for login according to http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/503/. The changes explained seem easy enough, change session references to user. However there was one small piece missing, the 'next' url param has been replaced by 'redirect_uri'. I ended up with infinite redirects until I found and changed my 'next' url param.
Now, for the Javascript SDK, I noticed the only difference between our current FB.init and the FB.init explained @ http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/ is the 'oauth: true' addition. So I added this to our javascript and refreshed. When I click the FB like button I noticed that headers are not calling oauth like the PHP SDK does, instead it goes straight to login.php which is what I thought was the pre 3.0 behavior. Is our javascript SDK in compliance with the oauth addition?
Also, there is a note at the bottom of http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/503/ saying "All apps must utilize the new OAuth flows by September 1." Does this mean that if we don't upgrade our FB logins will no longer work?