Why can I call boost::unique_future::get many time

2019-05-25 01:42发布


I know we can't call std::future::get many times, and we should use std::shared_future if we need to call it many times.

But we can call boost::unique_future::get many times, although there's boost::shared_future!

void test1()
    int i, j;

    std::future<int> fu1 = std::async([]{ return 42; });
    i = fu1.get();
    //j = fu1.get(); // error occur
    std::cout << i << std::endl;

    boost::unique_future<int> fu2 = boost::async([]{ return 43; });
    i = fu2.get();
    j = fu2.get(); // sucess...?
    std::cout << i << ' ' << j << std::endl;


The output is:

43 43

I thought for a moment and then try this test code.

class TestCls
        std::cout << "[TestCls] default constructor" << std::endl;
    TestCls(const TestCls &other)
        std::cout << "[TestCls] copy constructor" << std::endl;
    TestCls(TestCls &&other)
        std::cout << "[TestCls] move constructor" << std::endl;
    TestCls &operator =(const TestCls &other)
        std::cout << "[TestCls] copy assignment" << std::endl;
        return *this;
    TestCls &operator =(TestCls &&other)
        std::cout << "[TestCls] move assignment" << std::endl;
        return *this;
void test2()
    TestCls a, b;

    std::cout << std::endl << "unique_future test begin" << std::endl;
    boost::unique_future<TestCls> fu1 = boost::async([]{ return TestCls(); });
    std::cout << "first assignment" << std::endl;
    a = fu1.get();
    std::cout << "second assignment" << std::endl;
    b = fu1.get();
    std::cout << "unique_future test end" << std::endl;

    std::cout << std::endl << "shared_future test begin" << std::endl;
    boost::shared_future<TestCls> fu2 = boost::async([]{ return TestCls(); });
    std::cout << "first assignment" << std::endl;
    a = fu2.get();
    std::cout << "second assignment" << std::endl;
    b = fu2.get();
    std::cout << "shared_future test end" << std::endl;


The output is:

[TestCls] default constructor
[TestCls] default constructor

unique_future test begin
[TestCls] default constructor
[TestCls] move constructor
first assignment
[TestCls] move constructor
[TestCls] move assignment
second assignment
[TestCls] move constructor
[TestCls] move assignment
unique_future test end

shared_future test begin
[TestCls] default constructor
[TestCls] move constructor
first assignment
[TestCls] copy assignment
second assignment
[TestCls] copy assignment
shared_future test end

Although boost::unique_future do "move", not "copy", it is allowed to call get many times.. How is it possible?

(My boost version is 1.55.0, and my compiler is VC++ 2013)

If I do #define BOOST_THREAD_VERSION 4, an exception occurs at the second call of get(). multiple call of get() is undefined behavior until version 3? Or it's allowed until version 3?


From the documentation it's clear that there are at least 3 macro that are playing a significant role in what you are using


which sets the version of the library, even if there are breaking changes between 4 and 3, you don't seem to have a problem with that.

second macro is BOOST_THREAD_PROVIDES_FUTURE, this macro is a switch, no value attached, if defined it enables the "standard" futures, not the unique_futures, what you are calling unique_future is just a placeholder for something that is defined by this macro at compile time.

from the file boost/thread/future.hpp

#define BOOST_THREAD_FUTURE future
#define BOOST_THREAD_FUTURE unique_future

in the file boost/thread/detail/config.hpp you also have BOOST_THREAD_DONT_PROVIDE_FUTURE which is another switch for default actions


note the negation !, which means that if you define BOOST_THREAD_DONT_PROVIDE_FUTURE you should get "real" unique_future as documented by the library.

You are basically getting the default behaviour and the fact that you are using the version 4 of the library doesn't matter that much.

A side note about C++11 and beyond:

std::async([]{ return 42; });

this is bad practice in C++11 and it's undefined behaviour in C++14, you should always specify a launch policy for your async.