I am trying to implement datepicker in my simple_form much as has been covered here: How do i write a cleaner date picker input for SimpleForm
I create the custom class:
# app/inputs/date_picker_input.rb
class DatePickerInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::StringInput
I then add: `$("input.date_picker").datepicker();
at the bottom of application.js and use the code:
<%= f.input :deadline, :as => :date_picker %>
However, a datepicker is not activated, nor is an error thrown. Could this be an issue with me not understanding the asset pipeline correctly? My application.js also contains: //= require jquery.ui.datepicker.min
I also use the datepicker on a separate page in my application that does not use simple_form, so datepicker by itself is working.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.