
how do i calculate 2 input fields and put results

2019-05-25 00:08发布


i want to have a form whereby i can add a value into the first text field, multiply that by a second hidden field, and display results in a 3rd text field. I want it so as soon as you add a value to the first field it shows the result in the 3rd field, eg on key up.

<input name="qty" id="qty" type="text" />
<input name="price" id="price" type="hidden" value="30" /><br />

<input name="total" id="total" type="text" />

Any help would be great as im new to jquery.


Though you got the answer but you should type cast the values you type in inputs. I mean what if someone type any other value other than integer... then you will get NaN in 3rd textbox..Here is solution to handle this problem

    var qty=$("#qty");
        var total=isNaN(parseInt(qty.val()* $("#price").val())) ? 0 :(qty.val()* $("#price").val())

or you can check jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ugPxf/


   total = $("#qty").val()* $("#price").val();


This should work.

     $('#total').val( $('#qty').val() * $('#price').val());
