Spring Security Core and custom validator for a co

2019-05-24 23:32发布


If I write the following code:

static constraints = {      
    password blank: false, password: true , validator:{ val, obj -> 
        if (obj.password != obj.confirmarPassword)
            return 'usuario.password.dontmatch'
    confirmarPassword bindable: true

static transients = ['confirmarPassword']

The following error appears after introducing the same password in password and confirmarPassword:

null id in usuario.Usuario entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)

I found out the root of the problem. It is the next comparison:

obj.password != obj.confirmarPassword

If I write the following code inside the validator:

println "password: ${obj.password}"
println "confirmarPassword: ${obj.confirmarPassword)}"

Eclipse prints:

password: testPassword
confirmarPassword: testPassword
password: fd5cb51bafd60f6fdbedde6e62c473da6f247db271633e15919bab78a02ee9eb
confirmarPassword: testPassword

As my second attempt I tried:

if (obj.password != obj.springSecurityService.encodePassword(obj.confirmarPassword))

The validation doesn't pass:

Property [password] of class [class usuario.Usuario] with value [testPassword] does not pass custom validation

And with:

println "password: ${obj.password}"
println "confirmarPassword: ${obj.springSecurityService.encodePassword(obj.confirmarPassword)}"

Eclipse prints:

password: testPassword
confirmarPassword: fd5cb51bafd60f6fdbedde6e62c473da6f247db271633e15919bab78a02ee9eb
password: fd5cb51bafd60f6fdbedde6e62c473da6f247db271633e15919bab78a02ee9eb
confirmarPassword: fd5cb51bafd60f6fdbedde6e62c473da6f247db271633e15919bab78a02ee9eb

For my third attempt I tried:

if (obj.springSecurityService.encodePassword(obj.password) != obj.springSecurityService.encodePassword(obj.confirmarPassword))

Again the same error:

null id in usuario.Usuario entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)

The password looks encrypted twice the second time:

password: fd5cb51bafd60f6fdbedde6e62c473da6f247db271633e15919bab78a02ee9eb
confirmarPassword: fd5cb51bafd60f6fdbedde6e62c473da6f247db271633e15919bab78a02ee9eb
password: e8c3cb111bf39f848b9a20e186f1663fd5acb0ae018ddf5763ae65bd6f45151e
confirmarPassword: fd5cb51bafd60f6fdbedde6e62c473da6f247db271633e15919bab78a02ee9eb

I'm running out of ideas. What about the client side? Would it be secure to perform this validation with Javascript?

This is my full domain class code:

package usuario

class Usuario implements Serializable {

    transient springSecurityService

    String username
    String password
    boolean enabled
    boolean accountExpired
    boolean accountLocked
    boolean passwordExpired

    String confirmarPassword
    String nombre
    String apellidos
    String email
    String telefono
    String documentoIdentificacion
    boolean aceptarPoliticaDeProteccionDeDatos = Boolean.FALSE

    static transients = ['confirmarPassword', 'aceptarPoliticaDeProteccionDeDatos']

    static constraints = {
        username blank: false, unique: true
        password blank: false, password: true 
        confirmarPassword bindable: true, blank:false, password: true, validator:{ val, obj -> 
            println "password: ${obj.password}"
            println "confirmarPassword: ${val}"     

            if ((obj.password != val))
                return 'usuario.password.dontmatch' 

        nombre blank: false
        apellidos blank: false
        email blank: false, email:true
        telefono blank: false, matches: "[0-9 -+()]{3,15}"
        documentoIdentificacion blank: false
        aceptarPoliticaDeProteccionDeDatos bindable: true, validator:{ val, obj ->
            if (!obj.id && obj.aceptarPoliticaDeProteccionDeDatos != true) //> !obj.id: si el usuario ya no está creado. Si ya está creado es que lo está modificando y no es necesario que vuelva a aceptar la política.
                return 'usuario.politicaprotecciondatos.notaccepted'

    static mapping = {
        password column: '`password`'

    Set<Rol> getAuthorities() {

            UsuarioRol.findAllByUsuario(this).collect { it.rol } as Set


    def beforeInsert() {

    def beforeUpdate() {
        if (isDirty('password')) {

    protected void encodePassword() {
        password = springSecurityService.encodePassword(password)


If you are using spring security, you can try this:

class User{
String password

static mapping = {
    password column: '`password`'

Set<Role> getAuthorities() {
    UserRole.findAllByUser(this).collect { it.role } as Set

def beforeInsert() {

def beforeUpdate() {
    if (isDirty('password')) {

protected void encodePassword() {
    password = springSecurityService.encodePassword(password)

It will hep you to save encoded password in database.

You can make a command object take a variable password and encode password like this:

class CommandObject implements Serializable {

String password
String confirmPassword

static constraints = {

    password nullable: false, blank: false
    confirmPassword nullable: false, blank: false, validator: { val, object ->
        if ((val != object.password)) {
            return 'passwordMismatch'
        return true


Grails Spring Security Plugin encrypts your password before insert, but there is no need to invoke it unless you are actually comparing the current password to an old password. So a change password command object can have the following constraints:

static constraints = { 
    oldPassword validator: {val, obj ->
       def actual = obj.springSecurityService.encodePassword(val)
       if(actual != obj.secUser.password) 'old.password.must.match.current.password'
    newPassword validator: {val, obj ->
       if(val == obj.oldPassword) 'new.password.must.differ.from.old'
    confirmPassword validator: {val, obj ->
       if(val != obj.newPassword) 'confirm.password.must.match.new.password'