I switched to ubuntu 18.04. Which has java 10 as default jvm
Now my apps that use javafx cannot compile anymore.
cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol: class ObservableMap
I tried to add parameters to the maven-compiler-plugin to load the javafx.graphics module.
result :
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] module not found: javafx.graphics
of course, java --list-modules | grep fx returns nothing.
I've spent more than 10 hours trying to figure this out.
TL:DR What am I supposed to do to compile my JavaFX modules with Java 10?
minimum project :
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class MyApp extends Application{
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {}
error :
java10fx/src/main/java/MyApp.java:[1,26] package javafx.application does not exist